Integration types

Learn about EnjoyHQ's integration types.

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EnjoyHQ's integrations are primarily for fetching data from external services. (For example, importing Google Play Store reviews) and for sharing content from EnjoyHQ to connected services (For example, sharing a Story to Slack).


How to read the table

  • Fetch: 3rd-party data can be imported directly into EnjoyHQ via a data integration. Depending on the integration, this will either occur automatically or on-demand.
  • Share: EnjoyHQ data can be shared out to an external service (For example, Slack).
  • Upload: Content can be uploaded into EnjoyHQ to create new Documents or Customer Profiles, or to import Stories or Project Reports.
  • Authentication: The authentication method is used to connect to the external service.


Integration Type Data Imported or Shared Free? Authentication
API Fetch Feedback and Customer Profiles can be imported via the API No API Key
Apple App Store Fetch Written reviews, ratings, and sentiment No N/A
AskNicely Fetch NPS survey responses, ratings, sentiment, and Customer Profiles No API Keys
Box Upload Documents, PDFs, presentations, spreadsheets, images, videos, and audio files Yes OAuth 2
CheckMarket Fetch NPS survey responses, ratings, sentiment, and Customer Profiles No API Key
Delighted Fetch NPS survey responses, ratings, sentiment, and Customer Profiles No API Token
Drift Fetch Support tickets and Customer Profiles No OAuth 2
Dropbox Uploads Documents, PDFs, presentations, spreadsheets, images, videos, and audio files Yes OAuth 2
Email Upload Emails are imported as Documents Yes N/A
Google Drive Upload Documents, PDFs, presentations, spreadsheets, images, videos, and audio files Yes OAuth 2
Google Play Store Fetch Written reviews, ratings, and sentiment No N/A
Intercom Fetch Conversations, Customer Profiles, and Customer Segments No OAuth 2
Jira Fetch & Share Projects can be linked to Jira issues to synchronize their status Yes Jira API Credentials (dedicated)
Jira Service Management Fetch Support tickets and Customer Profiles No Jira API Credentials (dedicated)
Microsoft OneDrive Upload Documents, PDFs, presentations, spreadsheets, images, videos, and audio files Yes OAuth 2
Qualtrics Fetch Survey responses and Customer Profiles No OAuth 2
Salesforce Fetch Data objects configured in the Salesforce integration can be imported as either Documents or Customer Profiles No EnjoyHQ API Token
SatisMeter Fetch NPS survey responses, ratings, sentiment, and Customer Profiles No OAuth 2
Slack Fetch & Share Slack messages can be sent to EnjoyHQ and EnjoyHQ content can be shared directly to Slack channels Yes OAuth 2
Trello Share EnjoyHQ content can be shared directly to Trello as comments Yes OAuth 2
Trustpilot Fetch Written reviews, ratings, and sentiment No None
Typeform Fetch Survey responses and Customer Profiles No OAuth 2
UserTesting Fetch Clips from sessions stored in non-private workspaces Yes

OAuth 2

UserZoom Fetch Clips from sessions stored in non-private workspaces Yes

OAuth 2

Wootric Fetch NPS survey responses, ratings, sentiment, and Customer Profiles No


Zapier Fetch Data sent via Zapier actions can be imported as Documents Yes


Zendesk Fetch Support tickets and Customer Profiles No

Email + Dedicated API Token

Zoom Fetch Session recordings and their transcriptions can be imported on-demand Yes

OAuth 2


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