Find and replace URLs in a Clickstream

Use these steps to find and replace URLs in a Clickstream.

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Find and replace URLs in a Clickstream

  • Find and Replace allows you to simplify your Clickstream.
  • To make your analysis easier, you can:
    • Rename long URLs using a couple of words.
    • Group together URLs that might not be identical but are essentially the same page.

To find and replace URLs in a Clickstream, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Logmanager.
  2. Scroll to Find & replace.
  3. Enter the URL or part of the URL you'd like to search for in the Find field.
  4. Depending on what you want to do, choose one of the following from the dropdown:
    • Replace
    • Delete
  5. Choose what you'd like to replace or delete:
    • This text only
    • The whole URL
    • Everything after this text
    • This text and everything after it
  6. In the For field, add the text to replace what you've chosen in step 5 (Only if you've chosen to replace).
  7. Choose one of these actions:
    • Replace/Delete All: Replace or delete the text in all URLs at once.
    • Replace/Delete: Replace or delete the text in each URL one by one.
    • Find next: Ignore the change for the URL and look for the next URL that matches the criteria



Let's say we have a study with 200 completes on an online shopping site where each participant executed a search for a different item. However, knowing specifically what they searched for is not the purpose of the study.

  • Challenge: The Clickstream will by default show up to 200 different paths with the different URL boxes displaying "". 
  • SolutionTo simplify the Clickstream:
    1. Use Find & Replace then select This text and everything after it.
      1. In the Find field, enter http://www.someonlineshoppingsite/search.
      2. In the for field, enter search.
        • The term entered in the for field is case-sensitive. 
        • Keep this in mind when finding, replacing, and/or deleting text.
      3. Click Replace All.
    2. In the Clickstream, the 200 click boxes will now be combined as one click box with the label "search".



Reset changes made to the Clickstream

To reset changes made in the Find & replace section, use one of these options:

  • Undo: Click Undo to reset the last change made.
  • Redo All
    • Click Redo All to apply existing filters to URLs collected in your Clickstreams that were already replaced or deleted from previous results.
    • Redo All makes changes to all new data received.
  • Advanced Undo:  Use Advanced Undo to reset certain changes.
    1. Click Advanced Undo to view the Edited URLs.
    2. Check the box next to the changes you want to undo.
    3. Click Undo Selection.

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