Mobile App testing: Codeless vs Code Integration

Learn the difference between Codeless and Code integration when testing Mobile Apps. To find device compatibility, refer to Device compatibility by study type.

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Code integration
Plan Availability (included): Premium
➕ Plan Availability (when purchased separately): Essentials, Professional, and International

👥 User roles: Owner, Admins, and Researchers
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About Mobile app testing

  • UserZoom allows you to test your app regardless of the development stage it is in.
  • You can perform different studies in app prototypes, non-live apps, and live apps.

Code Integration (SDK) vs Codeless app testing

Code Integration (SDK) Codeless app testing
  • Your developers have to integrate the UserZoom SDK into your app, and the study is conducted entirely in your app.
  • Intercept users in your app or invite participants via an invitation link.
  • Track participants during Navigation tasks (Clicks & Paths available in results)
  • You can disable specific views of the app from being recorded.
  • For more options, refer to UserZoom SDK and developer options for Mobile app studies
  • No developer involvement is necessary.
  • Invite participants via an invitation link.
  • No tracking is available.
  • The whole screen is recorded during Navigation Tasks (not customizable).
  • To learn more, refer to Codeless app testing.



Mobile app testing and Moderated studies

  • UserZoom Moderated studies allow you to test mobile web and mobile apps.
  • For mobile apps, no SDK integration is needed.
  • The UserZoom Live app records the participant's whole screen allowing them to switch between the UserZoom Live app and the browser or mobile app being tested.



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