Manage apps in the Mobile Apps Library (SDK)

Use these steps to manage apps in the Mobile Apps Library (MAL). To learn more about Mobile app testing, refer to the Mobile App testing overview.

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About apps in the Mobile Apps Library

  • An app in the Mobile Apps Library (MAL) is a representation of your app in the real world. For example:
    • The Android version of your app would be one app in the MAL.
    • The iOS version of your app would be another app.
  • Tags added under the app in the MAL are used to trigger studies in the actual app.



Add an app to the Mobile Apps Library

  1. Click your Username in the top right corner.
  2. Select Account Settings.
  3. In the left menu, under Account Features, select Mobile Apps Library.
  4. Click Add App add_app_button.jpg.
  5. In the Add App window, configure the following:
    • App Name
    • Operating System
      Important: Once saved, this option can't be changed.
  6. Optional: 
    • Enter the app store link to the app in the App Link from the Store box.
    • Enter the Intercept Expiration Time (in days) in the Invite all users again after box.
  7. Click Save.



Edit an app in the Mobile Apps Library

  1. Click your Username in the top right corner.
  2. Select Account Settings.
  3. In the left menu, under Account Features, select Mobile Apps Library.
  4. Find the app you'd like to edit in the list.
  5. Click Edit App edit_tag_pencil.jpg in the header.
  6. Make your configuration option changes.
  7. Click Save.



App configuration options

  • App Name: The name of your app.
  • Operating System
    • Choose Android or iOS.
    • Once saved, this option can't be changed.
  • Install App Link
    • For tags with the Start Method “Invitation Link”, participants may need to download and install the app on their device if they don't already have it.
    • Add the app store URL in the App Link from the Store field so they can download the app.
  • Intercept Expiration Time: This option allows you to control the time participants can be reinvited to take a study with your app.
    • Scenario 1a: The participant got Tag X executed, but didn’t get intercepted due to the Tag’s intercept rate. When triggered again, no matter what the expiration time of Tag X is:
      • The Tag can intercept the participant, but the intercept rate still applies.
      • Other Tags can intercept the participant if executed.
    • Scenario 1b: The participant got Tag X executed, but didn’t get intercepted due to their IP address being restricted. No matter what the expiration time of Tag X is:
      • When the IP restriction is removed, if Tag X is executed it will intercept the participant.
      • Other Tags will continue to intercept the participant.
    • Scenario 1c: The participant got Tag X executed, but didn’t get intercepted due to a Device restriction.
      • If you remove the device restriction, the participant can be intercepted when the expiration time is met.
        • 24 hours if the Expiration Time = 0
        • As indicated if the Expiration Time > 0
      • Other Tags will continue to intercept the participant.
    • Scenario 2: The participant got intercepted by Tag X, but either decided to opt out or left mid-study. They can be intercepted again after the expiration time of Tag X is met.
      • If the expiration time = 0:
        • Tag X will not trigger in 24 hours, even if it’s associated with another study/segment.
        • Other Tags can be triggered.
      • If the expiration time is > 0, Tag X and other tags won't trigger until the expiration time is met.
    • Scenario 3: The participant got intercepted by Tag X and completed the study.
      • The participant can be intercepted by Tag X again only if both of these conditions are met:
        • Tag X is now associated with a different Study/Segment.
        • The expiration time of Tag X is reached.
          • 24 hours if the Expiration Time = 0
          • As indicated if the Expiration Time > 0
      • Other Tags can be triggered at any time.



Delete an app from the Mobile Apps Library

  1. Click your Username in the top right corner.
  2. Select Account Settings.
  3. In the left menu, under Account Features, select Mobile Apps Library.
  4. Find the app you'd like to delete from the list.
  5. Click Delete delete_trash_can.jpg.
  6. In the Delete window, click Delete again.


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