Record video in studies

Learn all there is to know about recording videos in UserZoom. For recording options available by study type, refer to Video recording options by study type.

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Plan Availability: See below
👥 User roles: Owner, Admins, and Researchers
For more information, see our article on how to find your plan and user role.


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Record the entire screen, browser window, microphone, and camera

Types of recording

Plan Availability: See Recording options by study type below

  • Entire screen:
    • Record the participant's entire screen.
    • Entire screen recording is ideal to test desktop applications and operating systems.
    • This also makes it easier to observe user behavior beyond the browser screen.
  • Browser window: Record only the participant's browser window.
  • Microphone: Record the participant's microphone audio.
  • Camera: Record the participant's camera view.


Recording options by study type

Plan Availability: All plans

  • Unmoderated/Basic Usability Test (Desktop)
    You can record all navigation tasks or the whole study.
    • Browser window or Entire screen (Desktop)
    • Microphone (Can't be disabled)
  • Unmoderated/Basic Usability Test (Mobile web)
    All navigation tasks are recorded.
    • UserZoom Surveys app (Mobile web)
    • Mobile device screen (Mobile app without code integration (Codeless))
    • Microphone (Can't be disabled)
  • Moderated (Desktop and Mobile)
    • In Moderated studies, all recording options are available by default. 
    • Check this article for more information.


Plan Availability (included): Professional, International, and Premium
➕ Plan Availability (when purchased separately): Essentials

Advanced UX Research (Desktop)

Recording options: Record only Navigation tasks, Record the whole study, Do not record anything, Record All Navigation tasks, Customize recording per Navigation task

  • Browser window or Entire screen (Desktop)
  • Microphone (Optional)
  • Camera (Optional)

Advanced UX Research (Mobile Web)

Recording options: Customize recording per Navigation task

  • UserZoom Surveys app (Mobile web)
  • Microphone (Optional)
  • Camera (Optional)


Plan Availability (included): Premium
➕ Plan Availability (when purchased separately): Essentials, Professional, and International



Record the whole study

Plan Availability: See Recording options by study type above

  1. Go to the Study Builder section of your study.
  2. Select Study in the menu on the left.
  3. Click Recording options.
  4. Choose Record the whole study in the modal window.
    • For Advanced UX Research only, choose to capture input from the participants:
      • Microphone
      • Camera
    • For Basic Usability Tests, chose to record:
      • The browser window
      • The entire screen
  5. Click Save.



Record all Navigation tasks

Plan Availability: See Recording options by study type above

  1. Go to the Study Builder section of your study.
  2. Select Study in the menu on the left.
  3. Click Recording options.
  4. Choose Record only Navigation tasks in the modal window.
  5. Select All Navigation tasks.
  6. Choose the settings that will apply for all Navigation tasks within this study.
    • The Screen option is enabled by default.
    • You can optionally enable one or both of the below options:
      • Microphone
      • Camera
  7. Click Save.



Record individual Navigation tasks (Advanced UX Research only)

Plan Availability (included): Professional, International, and Premium
➕ Plan Availability (when purchased separately): Essentials

  1. Go to the Study Builder section of your study.
  2. Select Study in the menu on the left.
  3. Click Recording options.
  4. Choose Record only Navigation tasks in the modal window.
  5. Select Customized recording per task to configure each Navigation task separately.
  6. Click Save.
  7. In Task Builder on the Study tab, go to the Navigation Task that you want to configure.
  8. On the Video Recording tab, select your Recording Settings:
    • Screen
    • Microphone
    • Camera
  9. Click Save.
  10. Repeat steps 7 to 9 for all Navigations tasks you want to edit.



Record specific domains or URLs (Advanced UX Research only)

Plan Availability (included): Professional, International, and Premium
➕ Plan Availability (when purchased separately): Essentials

This setting is only available when you record navigation tasks, not the whole study.

  1. In Study Builder, go to the Navigation Task in question.
  2. On the Video Recording tab, check Record only specific domains/URLs to only record specific domains/URLs.
  3. Click Save.


Recording HTTPS URLs

  • Unless specified otherwise, UserZoom allows video recording for HTTP and HTTPS URLs by default.
  •  If during the procurement process, your legal or security department is requesting not to record all HTTPS URLs by default in your account and only whitelist specific ones, contact us or reach out to your Account Manager (AM) for further information.



Restrict recording based on participant answers (Advanced UX Research only)

Plan Availability (included): Professional, International, and Premium
➕ Plan Availability (when purchased separately): Essentials

Based on certain answers, you can choose if the video of a participant is needed for your analysis. Use these steps to restrict which participants are recorded:

  1. In Study Builder, go to the Navigation Task in question.
  2. On the Video Recording tab, under Recording Conditions, configure conditions to record participants only if they provided specific answers.
  3. Click Save.



Turn off recording for all tasks (Advanced UX Research only)

Plan Availability (included): Professional, International, and Premium
➕ Plan Availability (when purchased separately): Essentials

  1. Go to the Study Builder section of your study.
  2. Select Study in the menu on the left.
  3. Click Recording options.
  4. Choose Do not record anything in the modal window.
  5. Click Save.



Security and privacy

  • Participants have to accept permission to allow access to their camera and microphone before starting the study.
  • During the Navigation tasks, participants see that their camera and microphone are recorded as a preview of the video, and an audiometer is shown in the Taskbar.
  • Customer information is stored following industry best practices in terms of security, such as:
    • SOC2 compliant
    • Data encryption, both at rest and in transit.
    • Data segregated by customer
    • Storage either in EU or US, according to the account's country


Notifications on Android devices

  • For security and data privacy reasons, UserZoom's mobile prototype testing only captures what is being tested in the UserZoom app, and does not capture what the user is doing outside of the UserZoom app (like checking their email or bank account). 
  • However, due to technical constraints of the Android operating system, there is a chance the participant’s mobile notifications could be captured in the video.
  • While we are working on adding a step in the pre-study checklist for Android users (asking them to enable “Do Not Disturb” on the device for the duration of the study), we encourage our customers to add a text-only question at the beginning of the study instructing the participant to enable the Do Not Disturb option within the Sound settings of their Android device.



Recording limitations

A variation of 5 seconds in the total time of the videos recorded can occur.

Pro tip

Before launching your study:



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