Configure recording conditions in Navigation tasks (Advanced UX Research)

Use these steps to configure recording conditions in Navigation tasks for Advanced UX Research studies.

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Configure recording conditions in Navigation tasks to record video when specific criteria are met.


  1. Enable Video Recording in your study/task.
  2. Click Study study_icon.jpg.
  3. Choose the Navigation Task.
  4. Go to the Recording tab.
  5. Scroll to Conditions.
  6. Click Add condition add_condition_button.jpg.
  7. Select a Task from the drop-down.
  8. Choose the Sub-Task.
  9. Pick the answer from the drop-down
  10. You can add several conditions to be applied at a time using the Add AND condition add_and_condition_button.jpg and Add OR condition add_or_condition_button.jpg buttons.
  11. Click Save.


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