Configure a Tree Test task or a Tree Testing question

Use these steps to configure a Tree Test task and Tree Testing question.

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About Tree Test tasks and Tree Testing questions

  • Tree Test tasks and Tree Testing questions allow you to create unique trees for a task or question or select a tree already created at the study level.
  • Creating Trees at the study level allows you to reuse them in multiple Tree Test tasks or Tree Testing questions in a study.
  • Measure effectiveness by defining success nodes and choosing between two tree types (Classic and Compact).
  • Only items that do not have any subcategories can be marked as Success.

Tree types: Classic and Compact

  • Compact
    • After you select a main first-level item, you can only move between its subcategories and the rest of the tree is hidden.
    • To get back to the rest of the first-level items, click HOME at the top of the tree.
  • Classic: Participants can jump from the subcategories of one first-level item to any other item on the first-level directly.
  • In both Tree Types, only the first-level items show at the beginning of the task.
  • When participants click one of them, subcategories (if any) appear.
  • If participants click on one of the subcategories, they appear, and so on.
  • When the clicked item has no subcategories, the option to select it as an answer appears.
  • In both Tree structures, only one first-level item can be open at a time.



Choose a Tree type

  1. Go to the Study Builder tab of your study.
  2. Select Study in the left menu.
  3. Choose the Tree Test task or edit an existing Tree Testing question.
  4. Scroll to Other Options.
  5. Under the Tree Type drop-down, select a type:
    1. Classic
    2. Compact
  6. Click Save.



Add a Tree in a task or question

  1. Go to the Study Builder tab of your project.
  2. Select Study in the left menu.
  3. Choose the Tree Test task or edit an existing Tree Testing question.
  4. Scroll the Tree section.
  5. Click the Select tree drop-down.
  6. Choose New Unique Tree.
  7. Click Insert Tree.
  8. In the overlay window:
    1. Enter each item on a separate line.
    2. Use indentation (tab key) to indicate subcategories and create hierarchy in the tree.
  9. Click Insert.



Define success items

  1. Go to the Study Builder tab of your project.
  2. Select Study in the left menu.
  3. Choose the Tree Test task or edit an existing Tree Testing question.
  4. Scroll to the Tree section.
  5. In the Tree structure window, check the box next to the answer(s) to mark it as a success question.
  6. Click Save.



Create a new study level Tree

  1. Go to the Study Builder tab of your project.
  2. Click Settings in the left menu.
  3. Select Multimedia Center.
  4. Go to the Trees tab.
  5. Click Add Tree.
  6. In the overlay window, enter a Tree name.
  7. In Tree structure, enter each item on a separate line.
  8. Use indentation (tab key) to indicate subcategories and create a hierarchy in the Tree.
  9. Click Insert.



Set a study level Tree as default

  • When you have multiple Trees created at the study level, you can make one the default that gets automatically assigned to all new Tree Testing tasks/questions.
  • If a default Tree is modified:
    • Changes only apply to new Tree Testing questions.
    • Existing Trees keep the original settings and are not updated.


To set a study level Tree as default, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Study Builder tab of your project.
  2. Click Settings in the left menu.
  3. Select Multimedia Center.
  4. Go to the Trees tab.
  5. Click Make as default next to the Tree.



Edit or delete a study level Tree

  1. Go to the Study Builder tab of your project.
  2. Click Settings in the left menu.
  3. Select Multimedia Center.
  4. Go to the Trees tab.
  5. Click Edit or Delete next to the Tree.



Copy a Tree from a spreadsheet

Use these steps if you've created a Tree in a spreadsheet and want to add it to your study. Each column represents a level in the tree.

  1. Design your spreadsheet like this for proper results:
  2. Copy the data in the spreadsheet.
  3. Paste into the Tree structure field.
  4. Click Insert.



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