Create a Live Intercept for apps

Use these steps to create a Live Intercept for apps. Learn more about Live Intercepts for apps feature compatibility, or check out the Feedback Tabs and Intercepts course in the UserTesting University. This study type requires the UserZoom SDK.

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Plan Availability: Essentials, Professional, International, and Premium
👥 User roles: Owner, Admins, and Researchers
For more information, see our article on how to find your plan and user role.




  1. Click Create New Study create_new_study_button.jpg.
  2. Enter a required Study name.
  3. Choose the Participant Language from the drop-down.
    • This can be changed later.
    • Keep in mind, the Legal Consent page will remain in the language initially chosen. To resolve this, create a new study in the new language and copy the welcome page in that language.
  4. Select the Study Privacy:
    • Only you (private)
    • Everyone on your team (shared)
  5. Click Next.
  6. Select Unmoderated as the study approach.
  7. Choose Live Intercept as the Study type.
  8. Choose Native App as the device type.
  9. Click Create Study create_study_button.jpg.



  1. Click Add Segment add_segment_button.jpg .
  2. Create and manage your segments.
  3. Once you've added segments, click Go to Study Builder go_to_study_builder_button.jpg to begin customization.


Customize your study

  1. To customize your study, add any or all of these options:


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