Rally Integration for UserTesting

Learn about how to use the Rally integration with UserTesting. 

This article applies to: ut logo tiny.pngUserTesting 

On this page:

Setting up integration in UserTesting

Follow the steps below to set-up the integration:

  1. Create an Invite Network test in UserTesting.
  2. Copy the link for the test.
  3. Create a study in Rally.
  4. In the Studies, tab click + New Study. A modal will appear.
    Rally New Study Unmoderated Test selected.png

  5. Select Unmoderated test as the Study type and click Continue.
    Pro tip: Participants can see the name of the test. You can edit the test name here.
  6. If a specific number of participants is needed, update the What’s your participation limit? to the total number needed. To collect as many as possible update to Unlimited.
  7. Add consent forms, incentives, branding, and screeners here.
  8. Click Next to move onto the Test tab.
  9. In the What app are you using for this test? dropdown select UserTesting.
    Rally UserTesting Integration Dropdown.png

  10. In the Enter test URL field, paste in the Invite Network link to your UserTesting test.
    UserTesting Integration Test Link added.png

    API Token or Webhook Tokens in UserTesting

    UserTesting allows users to set up a connection between their Rally and UserTesting accounts. This connection allows us to send notifications to Rally when a participant completes a test.

    These tokens will be linked to the user and account and will follow the user’s permissions concerning account and workspace permissions. 


    Generating Tokens for Integration between Rally and UserTesting

    1. Login to your UserTesting customer account
    2. Navigate to https://app.usertesting.com/developers/api_tokens
    3. Create an API token and a Webhook Token by clicking each “Create” button.


    1. Copy the API and Webhook tokens for use in registering the Webhook
    2. Locate the UID or ID (integer) of the Study or Session for which you would like to receive events. This can be found in the URL of the invite network study from app.usertesting.com for studies - see example:

      ⏰ Registering for Study complete events will also trigger webhook calls upon completing each associated test session.

    Example URL: https://app.usertesting.com/pp/6bfe9af8-cc2c-11ee-a506-0242ac120002
    study_uid is 6bfe9af8-cc2c-11ee-a506-0242ac120002

    Expiring API Tokens

    Connection between Rally and UserTesting can be ended by expiring tokens within UserTesting.

    1. Navigate to https://app.usertesting.com/developers/api_tokens
    2. Expire an API token and a Webhook Token by clicking “Expire” button.

    Setting up integration in Rally

    1. Navigate to Settings > Connected Apps in your Rally Account

    1. Click on Connect which opens up following screen 

    1. Paste “API Token” & “Webhook Token” copied from UserTesting App 

    1. Click on “Connect Account” to finish account linking

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