Validate participants by URLs reached (Advanced UX Research)

Use these steps to validate participants by URLs reached in a Navigation Task.

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About validating participants by URL

  • Enable Validation by URL in Advanced UX Research studies to automatically validate participant success when they reach one of the designated URL(s) in a Navigation task. 
  • To match the success URL with the actual URL visited, select the correct operator:
    • Exact
    • Contains
    • Not contains
    • Starts with
  • Choose to intercept participants as soon as they reach the success URL or let them continue browsing and allow them to end the task themselves.
  • Setting up Validation by URL impacts how effectiveness information is displayed in the results.



Enable validation by URL

  1. Go to the Study Builder section in your project.
  2. Click Study study_icon.jpg in the left menu.
  3. Choose the Navigation task to access the Task Settings & Validation section.
  4. Go to the Validation tab.
  5. Scroll to the Validation by URL section.
  6. Check the Enable Validation by URL option.
  7. Click Add Validation URL add_validation_by_url_button.jpg, and add as many success URLs as needed.
  8. Add the full Success URL(s) or part of the URL(s) in the available field(s).
  9. Select the Validation Type from the drop-down:
    • Exact
      • The visited URL has to be exactly the same as what you have defined. 
      • If the visited URL differs, even by one character from what you have defined, participants are not validated as successful.
      • Example:
        • Visited URL:
        • What you've defined:
        • The URL is exactly the same as what you have defined and participants are validated as successful.
    • Contains:
      • The URL the participant reaches has to contain the piece of the URL that you've defined.
      • The URL the participant reaches has to contain exactly what you've defined.
      • Example:
        • Visited URL:
        • What you've defined: research-capabilities
        • The URL contains research-capabilities and participants are validated as successful.
    • Not contains:
      • The URL can't contain text that you've defined.
      • Participants are validated when a URL not containing the text you've defined is visited.
      • Example:
        • Visited URL:
        • What you've defined: software
        • The URL does not contain software and participant are validated as successful.
    • Starts with:
      • The URL has to start with the text that you've defined.
      • Example:
        • Visited URL:
        • What you've defined:
        • The URL starts with exactly the same text that you've defined, and participants are validated as successful.
  10. For each URL or partial URL, choose where to redirect participants when they reach the correct URL from the drop-down.
  11. Select an Interception Method from the drop-down:
    • Intercept themIntercept participants when they reach the validation URL.
      1. Check Enable Intercept Delay.
      2. Select the number of seconds you want to intercept participants after they reach the validation URL.
      3. Check Enable Intercept Message
      4. Enter your message.
        Pro Tip: Steps 1 through 4 are optional.
    • Let them continue browsing:
  12. Click Save.


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