Configure Card Sort tasks

Use these steps to configure Card Sort tasks.

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About Card Sort tasks

  • Card Sort tasks are used to find patterns in how users expect to find content.

  • UserZoom offers two types of Card Sort tasks: Open and Closed
  • Use Card Sort tasks for insights into how participants mentally organize information and name or describe certain groups of items.



Basic configuration for all Card Sort tasks

  • For all Card Sort tasks (Closed and Open), the description of the task is added to the Task Description Page.
  • This page is shown to the participants before the actual task.
  • You also have these options:
    • Show Instructions before card sort starts:
      • Participants see instructions about how Card Sorts work.
      • The instructions are shown right after the Task Description Page.
    • Ask for confirmation before submitting data: Participants are asked to check their work as they can't make changes after submitting their answers.
    • Card Sort Type:
      • Open categories
      • Closed categories
    • Layout Type:
      • Static layout: Category boxes are fixed.
      • Dynamic layout: Category boxes dynamically adjust depending on how many items are added to them.



Add or Remove Items/Cards


  1. Go to the Study Builder section of your study.
  2. Go to the Card Sort task in particular.
  3. Select the Order categories are displayed:
    • As Inserted
    • In Alphabetical Order
    • Randomly
  4. Click Add Items in the Items section.
  5. In the modal window, enter each item on a separate line.
  6. Click Save.



Click the Trash Can icon to remove an item.


Click Delete All to remove all items.



Add an image to an Item/Card

  1. In the Study Builder section of your study, go to the Card Sort task.
  2. In the List of Items, click the Add under the Image column.
  3. In the modal window, upload an image.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Add images to any other items.
  6. Click Save.



Set default and max categories (Open Card Sort)

  1. Go to the Study Builder section of your study.
  2. Choose the task.
  3. In the Categories section, select Open Categories for the Card Sort Type.
  4. For the Number of Categories, select:
    • The number of categories to display when participants start the task (Initial Displayed).
    • The total number of categories a task can have (Total Possible).



Category Descriptions (Open Card Sort)

Enable or disable the below settings based on the feedback you would like to collect:

  • Ask for Category Descriptions: Participants describe each category.
  • Ask for Category Names: Participants name to each category.



Add/remove categories (Closed Card Sort)


  1. Go to the Study Builder section of your study.
  2. Choose the Card Sort task.
  3. In the Categories section, select Closed Categories for the Card Sort Type.
  4. Click the Add Categories button at the bottom right.
  5. Type or paste the categories. Each category needs to be on a separate line.
  6. Click Create.



Click the Trash Can icon to remove a specific item


Click Delete All to remove all items.



Set category order (Closed Card Sort)

  1. Go to the Study Builder section of your study.
  2. Choose the Card Sort task.
  3. Under Layout, select an order option:
    • Inserted
    • In Alphabetical Order
    • Randomly
    • Randomly Except Last
  4. Click Save.



Add category description

  • Next to the item or category, type '|' (pipe) followed by the description text (For example, Bathroom textiles | Bathmats and shower curtains).
  • To add multiple items or categories along with their descriptions directly from a spreadsheet document:
    1. Add the categories or items in column A and the Descriptions in column B of a spreadsheet.
    2. Select both columns.
    3. Copy and paste them directly into the Add Items or Add Categories window.
    4. The | character is added automatically between each item or category and the corresponding description.
    5. Click Create.



Add questions to a Card Sort task

Card Sort tasks also have two types of Questionnaires where you can optionally add questions:

  • Pre-task Questionnaire: Shown before the actual task
  • General Questionnaire: Shown after the task



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