Site Intercept

Learn about Site Intercept implementation, configuration, customization, and troubleshooting.

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About Site Intercepts

  • A Site Intercept is a layer that appears while visitors are browsing a website and is used to invite them to participate in a study.
    • Visitor clicks Yes: The study automatically starts.
    • Visitor clicks No: The intercept pop-up closes and they can continue browsing the website.
  • Site Intercepts need code to be added to your web page.
  • Depending on how the code is added, you can intercept participants when the page loads or at a specific event or action.
  • Site Intercepts use cookies to not intercept the same person multiple times.



Create a Site Intercept

  1. Go to the Recruitment section of your study.
  2. Create a new Recruit Your Own Participants segment.
    Use an existing segment that has no participants.
  3. Click the segment to view more options.
  4. In the Recruiting Methods drop-down, select Site Intercept.
  5. Click Save.



Customize Site Intercept invitation rate, delay, and position

  1. Go to the Recruitment section of your study.
  2. Click on the segment with the Site Intercept.
  3. Scroll to the Site Intercept section and click Show setup options.
  4. Customize these options:
    • Invitation Rate: 
      • Set the percentage of visitors who get intercepted to participate in your study.
      • For example: If the rate is set to 50%, then, half of the visitors will get intercepted.
      • To disable the code, select Disable Popup.
    • Delay
      • This refers to the delay for the Site Intercept to appear after the code is executed.
      • If your site has dynamic content that can take a couple of seconds to load, take this time into consideration when setting delay.
    • Layer Position
      • Select where on the page to display the Site Intercept.
      • Positions available are:
        • Center
        • Top-Left Corner
        • Top-Right Corner
        • Bottom-Right Corner
        • Bottom-Left Corner
  5. Click Save.



Customize Site Intercept text

  1. Go to the Recruitment section of your study.
  2. Click on the segment with the Site Intercept.
  3. Scroll to the Site Intercept section and click Show setup options.
  4. Customize these options:
    • Intercept Title: Enter a title to show in the Site Intercept. For example, We need your feedback!
    • Intercept Description:
      • Enter a short description of what the intention for the study is and what is being requested.
      • Estimate the length of the study to help get a high amount of participants to take the study.
      • For example, Your opinion is very important and will help us to improve our site. We have some questions that should take only a few minutes. Thank you in advance for your help!
    • Positive Button Title:
      • This is the button site visitors click if they want to take the study.
      • The time to take a study starts counting when this button is clicked.
    • Negative Button Title: The button visitors click if they don't want to take the study.
    • Exit Link: The link that displays at the top right corner of the intercept to close it.
    • Footer:
      • Add information and expectations about the study.
      • For example, By selecting YES, an additional window will open. Please do not close it if you would like to participate.
  5. Click Save.



Customize Site Intercept Look & Feel

  1. Go to the Recruitment section of your study.
  2. Click on the segment with the Site Intercept.
  3. Scroll to the Site Intercept section and click Show setup options.
  4. Select Edit Look & Feel (opens in a new page).
  5. For detailed information, see Customize your Site Intercept Look & Feel.



Find Site Intercept code

  1. Go to the Recruitment section of your study.
  2. Click on the segment with the Site Intercept.
  3. Scroll to the Site Intercept section and click Show setup options.
  4. Click Copy Code.
    Remember: If you've associated your study/segment with a Permanent Site Intercept, use the code for the Permanent Site Intercept.



Add a Site Intercept to your website

  • For a Site Intercept to appear on a webpage, add the Site Intercept Javascript code to the HTML code of any pages where you want the study to trigger.
  • If added before the </body> tag in the code of a page, the Site Intercept appears as soon as the page loads.
  • You can also trigger a Site Intercept when users take a specific action or at a specific event.
    • For example, when participants select specific languages or when participants use specific filters of the website.
    • As long as you can determine this event or action in your code, you can trigger the Site Intercept at that event.
  • There can only be one Site Intercept code executed per page at a time (permanent or not).
  • When more than one Site Intercept code is executed on a single page, none of the Site Intercepts will work (even if just one of them corresponds to a live study).

Minimize Developer involvement

  • Use Permanent Site Intercept codes.
    • Permanent Site Intercept codes do not correspond to any study/segment by default.
    • You choose which study/segment to associate them to through UserZoom Manager.
    • This way, the code you add to your website remains the same but can be used to trigger different studies.
  • You can add the same Permanent Site Intercept code to all the pages of your website.
    • If you do this, you can only run a single study on your website at a time.
    • To control which pages can trigger the Site Intercept, set it to trigger only for specific URLs or specific domains.
  • Permanent Intercept code not associated with a study or associated with an offline study won't trigger anything.


Test a Site Intercept

For a Site Intercept to trigger, the study has to be live and the segment has to be active. To test your Site Intercept before going live, follow these steps:

  1. Restrict the study to trigger only for your IP.
  2. Launch your study.
  3. Activate the corresponding segment.
  4. Once you are ready to go live, remember to remove the IP restriction.



Troubleshoot why your Site Intercept doesn't trigger

  1. Is the study live?
    If not, participants can't enter the study using any recruiting method, and the Site Intercept won't trigger.
  2. Is the segment live, offline, or quotafull?
    If the segment is deactivated or has reached its quota, participants can't enter the study through that segment, and the Site Intercept will not trigger.
  3. Are there any restrictions by device, browser, operating system, or IP address?
    If there are restrictions applied, you (or the participant) may not meet the criteria to take the study, and the Site Intercept won't trigger.
  4. Is your browser window smaller than 1280 pixels wide or 600 pixel high?
    The study won't display properly on smaller screens, and the Site Intercept won't trigger.
  5. Is there an invitation rate or an intercept delay configured?
    • Intercept Rate: If set to anything less than 100%, the Site Intercept will not trigger every time.
    • Intercept Delay: If set to anything more than 0 seconds, it takes the time configured to trigger the Site Intercept.
  6. Make sure the code is added correctly.
    Remember the code must be copied exactly as provided and added just before the </body> tag to trigger when the page loads.
  7. Clear your cookies and try again.
    When the intercept triggers, a cookie is placed in the participant's browser. To learn more, see Configure the cookie settings at the study level.
  8. Make sure only one Site Intercept code is added to the page.
    Only one Site Intercept can be executed at a time on the same page.
  9. Working with Permanent Intercept codes?
    Verify the permanent intercept is assigned to the study.
  10. Still not triggering?
    If you've followed the above steps and your Site Intercept is still not triggering, we're here to help.


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