Email templates: Unmoderated study recruitment

Use these templates to invite your own participants to unmoderated studies. Proper expectation setting is important when recruiting an audience that may not be familiar with the requirements for UserZoom studies. Requirements vary by study type and device. Remember to customize your email as needed.

This article applies to: uz logo tiny.png UserZoom

Plan Availability: Check below for more info
👥 User roles: Owner, Admins, and Researchers
For more information, see our article on how to find your plan and user role.


On this page:



Card Sort, Click Test, Survey, or Tree Test Studies for Desktop or Mobile

Plan Availability: Corporate, Essentials, Professional, International, and Premium




We value your feedback! [INSERT COMPANY NAME] is working hard every day to make [PRODUCT] more rewarding. As a part of this effort, we would love your feedback on some ideas.


The entire experience should take approximately [INSERT TIME] minutes of your time. We would like to offer you [INSERT AMOUNT] as thanks for your participation. Please put forth a good faith effort in performing the tasks, otherwise, you may not be compensated.


To participate in this study, you must use [DEVICE TYPE(s)]. For more information, refer to Requirements to participate in a UserZoom study.


Please click on the link below.



Best Regards,




Advanced UX Research for Desktop (No Think Out Loud, No Webcam)

Plan Availability: Corporate, Essentials, Professional, International, and Premium


Hello [NAME],


Thank you for your interest in participating in this interactive research study. In this study, you will be asked to perform a few tasks on a website and provide feedback about your experience. The study should take approximately [INSERT TIME]. It is available for desktop and laptop computers only.


You will receive [INCENTIVE] for your time and feedback. Please put forth a good faith effort in performing the tasks, otherwise, you may not be compensated.


Requirements to participate in this study:

Click the link below from your desktop or laptop to begin.



Best Regards,




Advanced UX Research or Basic Usability Test for Desktop (Think Out Loud, No Webcam)

Plan Availability: All plans


Hello [NAME],


Thank you for your interest in participating in this interactive research study. In this study, you will be asked to perform a few tasks on a website and provide feedback about your experience. The study should take approximately [INSERT TIME]. It is available for desktop and laptop computers only.


You will receive [INCENTIVE] for your time and feedback. Please put forth a good faith effort in performing the tasks, otherwise, you may not be compensated.


Requirements to participate in this study:

  • Use a recent version of the Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser.
  • Download a small browser plug-in that can be uninstalled when you complete the study.
  • Think out loud during the study, verbalizing your thoughts.
  • Have a working microphone to record your voice.
  • For more information, refer to Requirements to participate in a UserZoom study.

Click the link below from your desktop/laptop to begin.



Best Regards,




Advanced UX Research for Desktop (Think Out Loud, Webcam)

Plan Availability: Corporate, Essentials, Professional, International, and Premium


Hello [NAME],


Thank you for your interest in participating in this interactive research study. In this study, you will be asked to perform a few tasks on a website and provide feedback about your experience. The study should take approximately [INSERT TIME]. It is available for desktop and laptop computers only.


You will receive [INCENTIVE] for your time and feedback. Please put forth a good faith effort in performing the tasks, otherwise, you may not be compensated.


Requirements to participate in this study:

  • Use a recent version of the Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser.
  • Download a small browser plug-in that can be uninstalled when you complete the study.
  • Think out loud during the study, verbalizing your thoughts.
  • Have a working microphone to record your voice and a webcam to record your face.
  • Make sure you have a strong internet connection.
  • Have at least 50% of your device battery remaining.
  • Be in a quiet and well-lit environment.
  • For more information, refer to Requirements to participate in a UserZoom study.

Click the link below from your desktop/laptop to begin.



Best Regards,




Advanced UX Research for Mobile (No Think Out Loud, No Webcam)

Plan Availability: Corporate, Essentials, Professional, International, and Premium


Hello [NAME],


Thank you for your interest in participating in this interactive research study. In this study, you will be asked to perform a few tasks on a website and provide feedback about your experience. The study should take approximately [INSERT TIME]. It is available for mobile devices only.


You will receive [INCENTIVE] for your time and feedback. Please put forth a good faith effort in performing the tasks, otherwise, you may not be compensated.


Requirements to participate in this study:

  • Use a recent mobile operating system (Android 9+ or iOS 13+).
  • Download the UserZoom Surveys App.
    • You will be prompted to download the app when you click the study link below.
    • The app can be uninstalled after you complete the study.
  • For more information, refer to Requirements to participate in a UserZoom study.

Click the link below to begin.



Best Regards,




Advanced UX Research or Basic Usability Test for Mobile (Think Out Loud, No Webcam)

Plan Availability: All plans


Hello [NAME],


Thank you for your interest in participating in this interactive research study. In this study, you will be asked to perform a few tasks on a website and provide feedback about your experience. The study should take approximately [INSERT TIME]. It is available for mobile devices only.


You will receive [INCENTIVE] for your time and feedback. Please put forth a good faith effort in performing the tasks, otherwise, you may not be compensated.


Requirements to participate in this study:

  • Use a recent mobile operating system (Android 9+ or iOS 13+).
  • Download the UserZoom Surveys App.
    • You will be prompted to download the app when you click the study link below.
    • The app can be uninstalled after you complete the study.
  • Think out loud during the study, verbalizing your thoughts
  • For more information, refer to Requirements to participate in a UserZoom study.

Click the link below to begin.



Best Regards,




Advanced UX Research for Mobile (Think Out Loud, Webcam)

Plan Availability: Corporate, Essentials, Professional, International, and Premium


Hello [NAME],


Thank you for your interest in participating in this interactive research study. In this study, you will be asked to perform a few tasks on a website and provide feedback about your experience. The study should take approximately [INSERT TIME]. It is available for mobile devices only.


You will receive [INCENTIVE] for your time and feedback. Please put forth a good faith effort in performing the tasks, otherwise, you may not be compensated.


Requirements to participate in this study:

  • Use a recent mobile operating system (Android 9+ or iOS 13+).
  • Download the UserZoom Surveys App.
    • You will be prompted to download the app when you click the study link below.
    • The app can be uninstalled after you complete the study.
  • Think out loud during the study, verbalizing your thoughts.
  • Make sure you have a strong internet connection.
  • Have at least 50% of your device battery remaining.
  • For more information, refer to Requirements to participate in a UserZoom study.

Click the link below to begin.



Best Regards,




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