Use these steps to create or edit Permanent Intercept code.
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👥 User roles: Owner, Admins, and Researchers
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On this page:
About Permanent Intercept codes
- As opposed to regular Site Intercept and Feedback Tab code, Permanent Intercept codes do not correspond to any study or segment by default.
- You can change the study and segment in UserZoom Manager based on your needs.
- Using Permanent Intercept Codes saves developers time because they won't have to change the code on the web page each time you launch a new study.
- There are two types of Permanent Intercept codes:
Permanent Feedback Tab:
- Can be associated with segments with the Feedback Tab recruiting method.
- You can associate a Permanent Feedback Tab with one study and one segment at a time.
Permanent Site Intercept:
- Can be associated with segments with the Site Intercept recruiting method.
Cookies and invitation rates are applied per study and not per Permanent Intercept Code. For example:
- Study1 has an invitation rate of 50% or an invite visitors again after 10 days.
- If you change from Study1 to Study2, Study2 has its own invitation rate and cookies.
- You can associate a Permanent Site Intercept with one study and one segment at a time.
Permanent Feedback Tab:
- A maximum of one Site Intercept and one Feedback Tab can be triggered at the same time on a page, no matter if they are permanent or regular.
Create Permanent Intercept codes
Using these steps, you can set up either a Permanent Feedback Tab or Permanent Site Intercept.
- Go to Accounts Settings.
- Under Account Features, click Permanent Intercept Codes.
- Click Add Permanent Site Intercept or Add Permanent Feedback Tab below all of the existing Permanent Intercept Codes.
- Add these settings:
- Give the code a name that corresponds to its function.
- Pro Tip: Enter a name that describes where you've added the code on your website.
Study Assigned:
- Select the study to be linked to this permanent code.
- Leave it as No study assigned if you don't want to select a study yet.
- Select the segment of the study to be linked to this permanent code.
- Leave it as N/A if you don't want to select a segment yet.
- Click Save.
- Click Tag Code to get the code to add on the webpage where the Permanent Intercept triggers.
Edit Permanent Intercept codes
- Click your Username in the top right corner.
- In the drop-down menu, select Account Settings.
- Under Account Features, click Permanent Intercept Codes.
- In the row of the Permanent Intercept code to edit, click the Pencil icon.
- Edit the Description, Study Assigned, or Segment.
- Click Save.
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