Permanent Intercept codes

Use these steps to create or edit Permanent Intercept code.

Plan Availability: Essentials, Professional, International, and Premium
👥 User roles: Owner, Admins, and Researchers
For more information, see our article on how to find your plan and user role.


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About Permanent Intercept codes

  • As opposed to regular Site Intercept and Feedback Tab code, Permanent Intercept codes do not correspond to any study or segment by default.
  • You can change the study and segment in UserZoom Manager based on your needs.
  • Using Permanent Intercept Codes saves developers time because they won't have to change the code on the web page each time you launch a new study.
  • There are two types of Permanent Intercept codes:
    • Permanent Feedback Tab:
      • Can be associated with segments with the Feedback Tab recruiting method.
      • You can associate a Permanent Feedback Tab with one study and one segment at a time.
    • Permanent Site Intercept:
      • Can be associated with segments with the Site Intercept recruiting method.
      • Cookies and invitation rates are applied per study and not per Permanent Intercept Code. For example:
        • Study1 has an invitation rate of 50% or an invite visitors again after 10 days.
        • If you change from Study1 to Study2, Study2 has its own invitation rate and cookies.
      • You can associate a Permanent Site Intercept with one study and one segment at a time.
  • A maximum of one Site Intercept and one Feedback Tab can be triggered at the same time on a page, no matter if they are permanent or regular.



Create Permanent Intercept codes

Using these steps, you can set up either a Permanent Feedback Tab or Permanent Site Intercept.

  1. Go to Accounts Settings.
  2. Under Account Features, click Permanent Intercept Codes.
  3. Click Add Permanent Site Intercept or Add Permanent Feedback Tab below all of the existing Permanent Intercept Codes.
  4. Add these settings:
    • Description:
      • Give the code a name that corresponds to its function.
      • Pro Tip: Enter a name that describes where you've added the code on your website.
    • Study Assigned:  
      • Select the study to be linked to this permanent code.
      • Leave it as No study assigned if you don't want to select a study yet.
    • Segment:
      • Select the segment of the study to be linked to this permanent code.
      • Leave it as N/A if you don't want to select a segment yet.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Click Tag Code to get the code to add on the webpage where the Permanent Intercept triggers.



Edit Permanent Intercept codes

  1. Click your Username in the top right corner.
  2. In the drop-down menu, select Account Settings.
  3. Under Account Features, click Permanent Intercept Codes.
  4. In the row of the Permanent Intercept code to edit, click the Pencil icon.
  5. Edit the Description, Study Assigned, or Segment.
  6. Click Save.


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