Enable Auto-Next in Tasks and Questions

Use these steps to enable Auto-Next in Tasks and Questions.

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👥 User roles: Owner, Admins, and Researchers
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On this page:



About Auto-Next

  • Auto-Next moves participants to the next question after they click on a response without having to click the Next button.
  • This option is not available for all task and question types. Check compatibility below.



Auto-Next question compatibility

One-answer questions

You can enable Auto-Next for all questions in your study that allow only one answer. 

  • Choice - One Answer
  • Choice - One Answer (Drop Down)
  • Matrix (One Answer per Row)
  • Rating Scale - One Answer (Horizontal)
  • Rating Scale - Semantic Differential Scale
  • Rating Scale - Net Promoter Score (NPS)


Prototyping questions or tasks

Auto-Next for prototyping questions and tasks is enabled for each question or task separately.

  • Tree Test
  • Click Test
  • Time Out Test



Enable Auto-Next on one-answer questions

  1. Go to the Study Builder section of your study.
  2. Click Look & Feel look_and_feel_icon.jpg in the left menu.
  3. Go to the Study Layout tab.
  4. Click Show More Options.
  5. Check the Auto-Next Functionality box.
  6. Click Save.



Enable Auto-Next to prototyping questions or tasks

  1. Go to the Study Builder section of your study.
  2. Choose the task/questionnaire.
  3. Go to the task or edit the question.
  4. In the overlay window, check the Auto-Next option. Options differ per question type:
    • Screenshot Click Tests: Mandatory to do exactly x clicks are needed for the option Auto-next after doing requested clicks to appear.
    • Screenshot Timeout: The default option is Auto-next after timeout.
    • Tree Tests: The default option is Auto-next after selecting an answer.
  5. Click Save.


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