Add a hyperlink to a question or other text

Use these steps to add a hyperlink to a question or other text.


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Why add a hyperlink?

  • Adding a hyperlink to a question or other text in your study allows participants to easily click a link as opposed to copying and pasting a URL. 
  • Making your study as easy as possible for participants increases the chances for completion and speeds up getting study results.
  • Hyperlinks can be added anywhere that allows you to view HTML mode on the WYSIWYG editor.



Add a hyperlink to a question

  1. Choose your question type
  2. Add your question text.
    question text no hyperlink.png
  3. Click the HTML option at the top right of the text box.
  4. For the text you'd like to be your hyperlink, add the following:
    1. Before the text you'd like to be your hyperlink, add this to the code: <a href="YOUR LINK">. Remember to replace YOUR LINK with your URL.
    2. After the text you'd like to be your hyperlink add this code: </a>
    3. Make sure your finished product looks like this in HTML view: 
      <a href="YOUR LINK">YOUR TEXT</a>.
      hyperlink html view.png
  5. Make sure your hyperlink appears in the question as desired.
    question text with hyperlink.png
  6. Click Save.



Add a hyperlink in other text

  1. Choose your question type
  2. Add your text.
    your text without a hyperlink.png
  3. Click the HTML option at the top right of the text box.
  4. For the text you'd like to be your hyperlink, add the following:
    1. Before the text you'd like to be your hyperlink, add this to the code: <a href="YOUR LINK">. Remember to replace YOUR LINK with your URL.
    2. After the text you'd like to be your hyperlink add this code: </a>
    3. Make sure your finished product looks like this in HTML view: 
      <a href="YOUR LINK">YOUR TEXT</a>.
      hyperlink html view.png
  5. Make sure your hyperlink appears in the question as desired.
    your text with a hyperlink.png
  6. Click Save.



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