Edit question Logic

Use these steps to to edit question Logic.


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About question Logic

  • Edit question Logic to send participants to the next questions or other questionnaires in the study.
  • Logic allows skipping to certain parts of the study if needed.
  • Logic only allows you to move participants forward to a question or task, never back to a previously unanswered question or uncompleted task.
  • Logic in Screenshot Click Testing questions:
  • Combine Logic with Conditions to add another layer of participant movement control to your study.
  • If you have to reorder questions, logic may be removed. Reorder the questions first, then add Logic.
  • The ability to edit question logic is not available for Basic Usability Tests.



Edit question Logic

  1. Go to the Study Builder section of your study.
  2. Choose the task/questionnaire.
  3. Hover over the question to edit to reveal options.
  4. Click Edit Logic edit_logic_button.jpg.
  5. In the overlay window that appears, scroll to the bottom of the window.
  6. Choose how to redirect:
    • Redirect all answers to the same place:
      • Check the After this question go to box.
      • This sends all participants to the same next question, no matter their answer.
    • Redirect each answer to a different location:
      1. In the Redirect to column, click the drop-down.
      2. Choose where participants are redirected for each answer:
        • Next question 
        • Questionnaire (Redirect to a specific question)
        • Disqualify
        • Complete 
  7. Click Save.



Disable question Logic

  1. Go to the Study Builder section of your study.
  2. Choose the task/questionnaire.
  3. Hover over the question to edit.
  4. Click Edit Logic edit_logic_button.jpg.
  5. In the overlay window that appears, click Clear Logic clear_logic_button.jpg in the top right.
  6. In the pop-up window, click Clear.
  7. Click Save.



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