Learn how to use Optimizely with UserZoom.
✅ Plan Availability: Essentials, Professional, International, and Premium
👥 User roles: Owner, Admins, and Researchers
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On this page:
About Optimizely
- Optimizely adds cookies to the participant’s browser, depending on the website variant displayed.
- These cookies allow you to:
- Find which variant was viewed.
- Trigger different Site Intercepts for each variant.
- When used in conjunction with UserZoom Manager, you can ask participants specific questions about their experience based on the variant they see.
Recruiting & Data Segmentation
- Your first step is determining which recruiting method will fit your needs:
- To segment results, your best bet is to create one unique study and have multiple segments. This allows you to analyze the results together and/or apply filters.
- Alternatively, depending on your needs, you can either create different tasks in the same study or create different studies.
- Site Intercepts, Feedback Tabs, or Invitation Links are unique per study and per segment, so there will always be a way to identify where participants were intercepted.
Site Intercept / Feedback Tab (Recommended)
- Create one study with a unique Navigation task.
- Add the segments with Site Intercept or Feedback Tab as the collector type. Create one segment per variant to be tested.
- Get the javascript code for either the Site Intercept or Feedback Tab.
- In Optimizely, select your experiment and open it.
- Once in your experiment, choose the variant to edit.
- Click on the Variation Code Editor, situated on the top right side.
- Insert the Site Intercept javascript code specific for that segment (make sure you are in the Javascript tab).
- Choose the option "Asynchronous timing".
- Save & Apply.
- You can also make sure visitors only get intercepted once, regardless of the variant they see, by unchecking Use a different cookie for each collector segment or manually change the cookie name.
Invitation Links
These steps require some degree of coding experience. Contact Oracle Maxymiser support if further assistance is needed.
- Create a study with multiple Navigation tasks.
Add an initial URL for each variant by inserting the extra URL parameter
How to find the Experiment ID?
- In Optimizely, go to your experiments.
- Click the one you are working on.
- Scroll to the bottom to see the ID it the bottom right side.
- How to find the Variation Index?
The Variation Index parameter is the number of variations. (For example, http://yourexperiment.com/test/optimizely/index.html?optimizely_x6309721377=1).
How to find the Experiment ID?
Randomize tasks so only one of them is shown.
- This prevents you from analyzing the results of all tasks together.
- If you want to apply filters through segments or if you want to analyze the results of all variants together, Advanced Tracking is required.
Advanced Tracking
- When websites share the same URLs, the clickstream displays participant paths together, and doesn't separate them based on the website shown (variant A or B).
- To analyze the paths (if variant A or website B was shown) both together and separated when no other data segmentation was applied, use the _UZ_trackPageURL_ variable to uniquely identify each page.
- To do so, follow these steps:
- Replace the original URL with the value of the variable.
- This new parameter the one the UserZoom platform collects and displays in the Clickstream.
- For example, by modifying the original URL (‘full URL’) with a fake one (‘Variant A Full URL).
- Add this javascript to each page of both websites:
if (typeof(optimizely) != "undefined" && optimizely.variationMap.hasOwnProperty(EXPERIMENTID)) {
variationIndex = optimizely.variationMap[EXPERIMENTID];
_UZ_trackPageURL_ = "https://URLExperiment/variation" + variationIndex + ".com";
} - Replace ‘Full URL’ with the actual URL you want to send back to the UserZoom platform.
Keep in mind that the content of _UZ_trackPageURL_ must start with the ‘http(s)://’ protocol (For example, _UZ_trackPageURL_=”http(s)://<Variant A userzoom.com/>”;)).
- Replace the original URL with the value of the variable.
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