Using Rules to Automate Classification

Rules help you automate manual processes like:

  1. Assigning tags to documents and highlights
  2. Setting sentiment in documents
  3. Adding properties to documents and highlights
  4. Sending data automatically to a research project data section
  5. Deleting documents


Let's take a look!




The rules you create can be applied to your current feedback inside EnjoyHQ & all incoming feedback, meaning that you can spend more time pulling the insights from your data, and less time organizing. Further more, you can choose if you want your rules to apply to documents only or both documents & highlights.

Rules can be applied when your documents, highlights or customers meet any conditions predefined by you.


1. Create a rule by clicking on the wrench icon in your search area👇


or the three dots in any research project. In the project the option is called "Automate project's data"👇



2. Enter a query that defines the conditions your documents need to match in order to trigger an action. Note that all of the search capabilities and filters are supported!


3. Select the action you want to automatically execute. Based on the query example above you may want to automatically assign a tag called "Bug reports" and apply it only to newly added documents


4. Name you rule, click Create and that's it! 🙌

Depending on the number of documents and highlights in your account, rules may take a couple of minutes to finish classifying existing data.


Different ways in which rules can be applied

After choosing an action you can select which documents or  highlights will be affected by the rule:

  • "new and existing documents and highlights" - once a rule is created it will be applied to documents and highlights which already exist in your EnjoyHQ account and any new document or highlight added in the future - bear in mind that rules will match BOTH highlights and documents for most of the basic filters. See more information below
  • "new documents and highlights only" - a rule will be applied only to documents or highlights created after the rule was created
  • "documents only" - the rule will only apply to documents matching conditions, not their highlights
  • "new documents only" - the rule will apply only to documents (and not highlights) created (or updated) after the rule has been created


Managing rules

Deleting rules

When deleting a rule, it will undo its actions if the rule was used to assign tags or properties.

🙋 Deleting a rule which had the delete or add to project action, will not undo the changes made by that rule. If you accidentally deleted your data - please reach out to us!

Once you've created a rule, you can find, edit or delete them from the Rules area in your Account Settings.




Filter by the type of rule you want to edit or delete and that's it. Your feedback will be reclassified as soon as you update your rule.

You can filter the list of your rules by using the search box - by default we will run a "fuzzy" search to find rules similar to your inputl; we will try to find matches in the rule's name, conditions and actions. You can wrap your search term in double quotes to force a strict match search:


If your rule's action is set to delete, you cannot change it to any other action type. Conversly, you can change any other action type (e.g. "assign tag") to other types.

Using rules to classify highlights

By default, Rules apply to all matching documents and highlights. For example, if your search query is "content: bananas" - it will act on all documents with the word bananas, and also highlights within these documents regardless if the word "bananas" is included in the highlight content.

To classify highlights by keyword, you need to use highlight content filter instead, here's an example:

Rule's query:

and actions:

This will ensure that for any existing or new highlights, the tag "bananas" will be applied if that highlight's content contains the word "bananas".


Rule query examples

Here're a couple of example queries you can use to create your own rules. Simply copy and paste the query into your rule editor in advanced mode and modify it as you like. Examples



You can use rules to automatically sift through the data coming from integrations, including automatically adding app reviews to a specific project, deleting unwanted support tickets and apply classification to survey responses. Learn more here.



1. Can documents deleted by rules be recovered?

As per our Retention Policies - we will store the "soft deleted" data for few months - during that period we can recover the data for you. Please get in touch!

2. Can we setup some sort of notifications for documents matched by rules?

Not at the moment, but we are planning that feature. A workaround is to automate a project data section and subscribe to project notification emails.

3. Can rules attach properties to customer profiles?

Not at the moment, but you can create automatic Customer Segments instead

4. Can a rule assign multiple tags?

Not right now, but we're planning to extend rules in a way that will make it possible.

5. Can rules depend on other rule's actions? e.g I want rule A to assign a tag X when rule B assigns tag Y

No. Rules should always be treated as independent in terms of their queries and actions - our engine doesn't guarantee consistency in this scenario and in some cases might deactivate your rules automatically to prevent cyclical dependencies (e.g. assign tag X if tag X is missing).

If you need to assign different tags for the same query, create two rules or use properties instead.

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