Condensed report: Excel or SPSS

Understand the Condensed report in Microsoft Excel or SPSS format.

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About the Condensed report in Excel

  • The Condensed report in Excel includes study results organized by participant data in rows. 
  • These tabs are included in the report:

Data tab

  • Contains all study tasks and questions arranged in columns.
  • Columns include:
    • Session: Includes the participant Status, Study time, Start and End dates
    • Recruitment: Defines the segment for each participant.
    • Technology: Includes the Operating System, Browser information, Screen Resolution, and Browser Resolution
    • The next columns contain task and question information. 
  • Column A contains the participant's UZ_ID so you can track their answers across all columns.



  • Only available when your study includes a Card Sort task or question.
  • Includes the following information in columns:
    • Task: Task number in your study
    • UZ_ID: UserZoom Identification number for each participant
    • Category: Category name for both Open and Closed Card Sorts
    • Description: The participant's category description provided in Open Card Sorts
    • Cards: Cards added to each category



  • This tab includes the sequence of URLs visited by participant and task captured by navigation task analytics during navigation tasks.
  • This information used to be in the Clickstreams and Keywords export that is no longer available.
  •  Information included:
    • Task: Number order assigned to each task in UserZoom Manager. For example, T1 = Task 1, T2 = Task 2, etc.
    • UZ_ID: UserZoom Identification number for each participant
    • Sequence: Order by which the participant navigated.
    • URL: URLs accessed. The last value per block is the participant's status for the task: Success, Error, Abandon, or Timeout.
    • LogTime_UTC: Date and time the participant accessed the URL



  • This tab includes keywords/data entered in any search areas by participant and task captured by navigation task analytics only during navigation tasks.
  • This information used to be in the Clickstreams and Keywords export that is no longer available.
  • Information included:
    • Task: Number order assigned to each task in UserZoom Manager. For example, T1 = Task 1, T2 = Task 2, etc.
    • UZ_ID: UserZoom Identification number for each participant
    • Sequence: Order the participant searched in the task
    • Website: The website where the search is performed
    • Keyword: Search term entered (when applicable)
    • Effectiveness: This is the participant's effectiveness in the task represented as: S = [Success], A = [Abandon], E = [Error], T = [Timeout]
    • LogTime_UTC: Date and time the participant performed the search



About the Condensed report in SPSS

  • This format is available for users of SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences).
  • The information is the same as in the Data tab from the Excel export above but is divided differently.
  • As opposed to data being grouped by task in the Excel export, each data point has its own column with the header defining the information presented.
  • For users who downloaded the previous version of SPSS in a .sav file, the new .xlsx file allows you to import the same data into SPSS. To import the .xlsx file, follow these steps:
    1. Select File > Open > Data from the SPSS menu.
    2. Choose the .xlsx file type.
    3. Find and select the file you'd like to import from the list.
    4. Click Read variable names.
    5. Click Open.



Export the Condensed report to Excel or SPSS

Refer to Export study results.


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