Integration with Ensighten

Use these steps to integrate Ensighten and UserZoom. These are not the complete instructions and provide a very basic outline of how this functionality is implemented. For complete instructions, refer to the Ensighten Knowledge Hub.

This article applies to: uz logo tiny.png UserZoom


Plan Availability: Essentials, Professional, International, and Premium
👥 User roles: Owner, Admins, and Researchers
For more information, see our article on how to find your plan and user role.


On this page:



About Ensighten

  • Ensighten leads the industry in Real-Time™ Tag Management solutions for the enterprise.
  • Marketers can easily deploy third-party tags, without javaScript programming.
  • Ensighten accelerates website performance, increases marketing agility, precision, and effectiveness, and ensures privacy compliance.
  • Ensighten works on any platform or device – web, mobile, video, e-reader, and more – and natively supports any tag or conversion pixel, without page-level customization.
  • Ensighten dynamically serves tags as visitors navigate your site, enabling an unprecedented level of personalization.



Integrate Ensighten and UserZoom: Site Intercept

  1. Log in to your Ensighten account.
  2. Click on Configure. (Available when hovering over the UserZoom App.)
  3. Choose to configure the Site Intercept.
  4. Select Text Value in the drop-down list.
  5. Fill in these parameters:
    • ID: The _setID value.
    • SID: The _setSID value.
    • CUID
  6. Select the correct CDN. The CDN parameter displayed in the code (cdn4 or cdn5).
    <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    _uzactions= _uzactions|| [];
    _uzactions.push(['_setID', 'F20EF3B7E479E2118CBB0022196C2B88']);
    _uzactions.push(['_setSID', 'F10EF3B7E479E2118CBB0022196C2B88']);
    (function() { 
    var uz = document.createElement('script'); uz.type = 'text/javascript'; uz.async = true; uz.charset = 'utf-8';
    uz.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + '';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(uz, s);



Integrate Ensighten and UserZoom: Feedback Tab

  1. Log in to your Ensighten account.
  2. Click on Configure. (Available when hovering over the UserZoom App.)
  3. Choose to configure the Feedback Tab.
  4. Select Text Value in the drop-down list.
  5. Fill in these parameters:
    • ID: The _setID value.
    • SID: The _setSID value.
    • CUID
  6. Select the correct CDN. The CDN parameter displayed in the code (cdn4 or cdn5).
    <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
    _uzactfeed = window._uzactfeed || [];
    _uzactfeed.push(['_setID', '3E35EE15D69FE411B2860022196C4538']);
    _uzactfeed.push(['_setSID', '95EAA5F4D59FE411B2860022196C4538']);
    (function() {>
    var uz = document.createElement('script'); uz.type = 'text/javascript'; uz.async = true; uz.charset = 'utf-8';
    uz.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + '';
    var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(uz, s);


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