Flex plan: Workspace allocations

Account admins can set, edit, and remove Session Units for multiple workspaces. This allows admins to ensure that workspaces have enough SUs to launch tests and that workspaces do not exceed their allotted SUs.

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About workspace allocations

  • Allocating Session Units ensures that a workspace (or team, project) has a certain amount of testing capacity reserved for their use. Workspace allocations reserve SUs to be used only by the designated workspaces.
  • If you’ve previously set a limit on workspace SUs, these limits are now workspace allocations.
    • Allocations reserve the SUs for the workspace(s), while limits didn’t reserve but only set the maximum amount of SUs the workspace could use.
  • You may choose to:
    • Allocate SUs to all of your workspaces.
    • Not allocate SUs to any workspaces.
    • Use a hybrid approach of allocating some SUs to workspaces and none to others.
  • When there is a new subscription with fewer purchased SUs, existing workspace allocations will be reset to have no allocation.



Workspace Session Unit allocation section

  • Find the Workspace Session Unit allocation section on the Subscription page under Settings.
  • You can set the allocated SU amount for each workspace, edit it, or remove it. Removal can only occur if no used or pending SUs exist for that workspace.workspace SU allocation usertesting.png
  • This section gives you topline information about:
    • Purchased: The number of SUs purchased in the current subscription.
    • Allocated and in-use by all workspaces: This is the sum of the total allocations reserved for allocated workspaces, plus the sum of used and pending SUs by workspaces without allocations.
    • Available to allocate: This number is how many SUs you can distribute to new and existing workspaces. This is the difference between Purchased and Allocated and in-use by all workspaces.

Allocated workspaces

  • This section displays the workspaces given a set number of SUs to use. The SUs are reserved for use only by the workspaces listed here.
  • Only studies in the allocated workspaces will consume the SUs reserved for them.
  • If you have existing allocations or have previously used “Limits” for workspaces, they’ll appear in this section.
  • The Allocated section shows:
    • Allocated: The number of SUs reserved for the workspaces.
    • Used: The number of SUs used by completed sessions. The amount varies by the Session rate card.
    • Pending: The number of SUs waiting for a participant to complete the test.
    • Remaining: The number of SUs in allocated workspaces left after subtracting the used and pending SUs for that workspace.

Unallocated workspace

  • This section displays the workspaces without an SU allocation in the current subscription. You can set an allocation for unallocated workspaces here.
  • New workspaces will also appear here.
  • Workspaces without allocations can spend up to the purchased amount minus the total allocated to other workspaces. You can adjust the Flex setting to use more than you have purchased; however, the sum of the allocated workspaces cannot exceed the total amount of purchased SUs.
  • If you have a new subscription and have created some workspaces, you’ll see all of the workspaces in this section.
  • The Unallocated section shows:
    • In-use: The sum of used and pending SUs for unallocated workspaces.
    • Used: The number of SUs used by completed sessions. The amount varies by the Session rate card.
    • Pending: The number of SUs waiting for a participant to complete the test.



Set or edit workspace allocation

Setting or editing the Session Unit allocation for a workspace will show you:

  • The used or pending SUs on the account
  • The added allocation (if SUs have already been allocated to the workspace)
  • The total allocation for the workspace
  • The number of available SUs on the account that you can allocate to the workspace


To set or edit the workspace Session Unit allocation, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Workspace Session Unit allocations on the Subscription page.
  2. Click the icon next to the workspace whose SUs you want to set or edit.
  3. The dialog box will update to show how many available SUs you can allocate.
    edit SU allocation usertesting.png
  4. Set the SU allocation.
    Note: You cannot allocate more than the total of the workspace’s used and pending SUs.
  5. Click Set allocation when done.

Important: If the SU allocation is removed, the workspace will still be able to launch tests by using SUs from the account, based on the Available SUs to allocate. If set to zero, the workspace cannot launch tests.



Best practices and use cases

Best practices

  • Ensuring that all workspaces within an account have allocations makes it more likely that each workspace will have access to all the SUs up to its allocation.
  • When archiving an allocated workspace, we recommend reducing the allocation to the used and pending SU amount. This way, SUs can be used by other workspaces.
  • When moving a test from one workspace to another, the SUs (both used and pending) of that test move to the new workspace. You can only move a test to an allocated workspace if there are enough remaining SUs in the target workspace.
    • The former workspace will have those used and pending SUs deducted.
  • Vary the SU allocations for each workspace, if you so desire.
    • For example, if you have 100 SUs of available testing capacity, you could give Workspace A an allocation of 25, give Workspace B an allocation of 30, and leave Workspace C without an allocation.

Use cases

  • If you disable flex usage, the workspaces without allocations can only consume SUs that have not been allocated.
    • For example, if you have 100 SUs of available testing capacity, you could give Workspace A an allocation of 25, leaving a maximum of 75 SUs unallocated that Workspace B and Workspace C would draw from.
  • If you enable flex usage, usage incurred from your unallocated workspace may cause your account to go into flex.
    • For example, if you have 100 SUs of available testing capacity, you could give Workspace A an allocation of 25. This would allow Workspace B and Workspace C to consume 75 SUs, causing your account to go into flex.




How do I know if I have gone into flex?

If you have enabled flex and see a negative amount available to allocate, that indicates that you are in flex.


What happened to the limits on the workspace that I previously set?

All the limits that you have previously set have now been turned into allocations. Check your new allocations to ensure that the number of available Session Units is enough.


What happens if I purchase fewer Session Units than my previous subscription?

You will have to set up new workspace allocations since the total amount of all previous workspace allocations exceeds the newly purchased amount. Therefore, you will need to re-set the allocations.


How do I reset my allocations if I have purchased fewer Session Units than my previous limits?

You will have to remove the allocations and set allocations again. This is because you cannot edit your existing allocations to amounts that are higher than the amount you have purchased.


When setting an allocation, why is the minimum allocation the workspace’s used and pending Session Units?

Since you have already launched tests in an unallocated workspace using the sum of your used and pending Session Units, the minimum amount that is allowed to be set is the sum of used and pending Session Units.


Do my archived workspaces show up in Workspace Session Units Allocations?

If you have an archived workspace that is using Session Units, it will appear in the Subscriptions tab. If you have an archived workspace with 0 Session Units being used or pending, those workspaces will not show up.



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