Usage and history dashboard

The Usage and history dashboard allows Admins on the Flex plan to check their team's usage of the UserTesting platform.


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The Usage and history dashboard


  • Only Admins on the Flex plan can access the Usage and history dashboard.
  • To get to the dashboard:
    • Select Settingsfrom the UserTesting account profile drop-down.
    • Click the Usage and history tab.
  • The Usage and history dashboard will show you an overview of the Session Units (SUs) consumed on your account, broken down into three sections: Usage summaryTop usage by team member, and Top usage by workspace.
  • To learn more about SUs and the different rates, refer to our Session Rate Card article. 


Your Usage summary

  • Your Usage summary reflects the current usage of the purchased testing capacity within your account for the current subscription period. This includes the committed usage you purchased up front, plus any add-on usage purchases.
    Purchased testing capacity usertesting
  • You can export your session data through a CSV file, which allows you to conduct additional analysis in tools like Google Sheets and Excel. See this article, which dives deeper into exporting session data.
    export usage data usertesting.png
  • Add-on purchases of SUs can occur during a subscription period and are added to the total number of SUs purchased. For information on how to monitor flex usage in your usage summary, read our Testing Capacity on the Flex Plan article.
  • The Usage summary section gives you an overview of your Used SUs and Available SUs. The Used SUs represent completed sessions, while Available SUs represent the number of SUs you have purchased, minus any Used SUs.
    • Pending SUs, while not shown in the Usage summary, can be found in the CSV export.
      used and available sus usertesting.png
  • Usage summary also shows you when the subscription ends and displays the number of days remaining in the subscription period.
    subscription period remaining usertesting.png


  • All SUs (used, available, pending) are attributed to the subscription in which a test was launched, regardless of when it was completed or refunded.
  • If the subscription expires with pending sessions, the SUs will count towards the expired subscription once those sessions are completed.
  • If you're on a new subscription and add a contributor to or replace a session on a test that is launched from the expired subscription, the new sessions and associated SUs will count towards the new subscription.



Your top usage by team member



  • The top usage by team member section shows the five team members who have used the most SUs on your account. The names seen in this chart are those of users who created the tests, not of those who launched them.
  • The chart shows what percentage of the account's used SUs were consumed by a given team member. The number in the right-hand column represents the number of used SUs a team member consumed.
  • You can read the chart as "The top team member's usage consumed 70 SUs, which is 30% of the 230 used SUs on the account."
  • The Tests launched column includes any launched test (even pending SUs), any completed tests consuming SUs, and any tests where the session was canceled (or the contributor did not show). Test drafts are NOT included in this column.

  • The Total SUs used column has only SUs consumed for completed tests.

    Note: If a test has one completed session that was refunded, the test is still counted in the team member's test count but will not count toward the total SUs used for that team member.


Your top usage by workspace



  • If your account has multiple workspaces, the Top usage by workspace section reveals the top five workspaces that have used the most SUs.
  • The chart shows what percentage of the account's Used SUs were consumed in a given workspace.
  • The number in the right-hand column represents the exact number of Used SUs consumed in a workspace. You can read the chart as, "The top two workspaces each consumed 70 SUs, which is a combined 60% of the 230 Used SUs on the account."

  • If a test changes workspaces after launching, the SUs for that test will be attributed to the new workspace. For instance, a test is created and launched in Workspace A and then moves to Workspace B. The SUs for that test will be counted in Workspace B.
  • You also have the option to view all workspaces and their total number of tests and SUs used by clicking View All.
  • The workspaces list includes all workspaces on the account, including those archived or those that have incurred no usage.
  • The Test Creator column consists of all test creators in the workspace regardless of whether they launched a test or not.
  • The Tests launched column includes any launched test by test creators in that workspace. This includes tests with no completed sessions, tests with completed sessions, and tests with refunded sessions.
  • Test drafts are NOT included, nor are video uploads or hidden tests. The Total SUs used column reflects only SUs consumed for completed tests.
  • To set SU limits for your workspaces, visit our article Flex plan: Subscription page.



Notifications about session unit usage

  • Account admins can receive email notifications about certain account activity, including Session Unit Usage.
  • To read more about this, go to our Email Notification Preferences article.



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