Learn about testing capacity on the Flex plan, how to purchase it, and the types of testing capacity. |
This article applies to: UserTesting
On this page:
- About testing capacity
- Purchasing testing capacity
- Types of testing capacity
- Approaching flex and in flex
About testing capacity
- Testing capacity measures how much the UserTesting Platform is used on the subscription.
- Testing capacity is unlimited; it's also purchased upfront and more can be added later if needed.
- It includes committed usage, flex usage, or add-on usage purchased throughout the subscription period.
Purchasing testing capacity
When you sign up for the Flex plan, you purchase what you need in three parts:
- Platform access for licensed users to draft, order, analyze, and view tests with flexible profile options. The Platform access fee scales by team size.
- Testing capacity scales with your usage of the Platform. Purchase up front the testing capacity you want. You can add capacity later if needed.
- UserTesting services to help your organization maximize your investment with Success Management, UserTesting University, Support, and more.
Your recommended testing capacity needs are estimated based on...
- How many users will need access to the Platform to create and launch tests.
- How many tests you intend to launch, along with the testing frequency of each user.
- Types of tests you want to launch and the average number of contributors for each test.
- Types of contributors recruited for each test.
Types of testing capacity
Testing capacity is measured in Session Units, a unit-based metric UserTesting uses to ensure you get the most value from every test.
There are three different types of testing capacity available for purchase:
- Committed usage: This type of testing (measured in Session Units) is purchased upfront, at the beginning of the contract period.*
- Flex usage: This allows you to continue using the Platform after you have met or exceeded your upfront committed usage purchase. If you do not have a negotiated rate for additional Session Units, flex usage allows you to continue using the Platform. Admins will be notified on the Dashboard when their subscription approaches flex or is in flex (read more about this in the next section).
- Add-on usage: This type of testing capacity can be added once you have met or exceeded your committed usage. It is purchased per Session Unit at a prenegotiated rate.
Note: You must use the Session Units available in your Flex plan contract before the contract expires—or lose them. The Units do not roll over to the next contract.
Here’s an example of how these different types apply:
You purchase 16,500 Session Units of testing capacity in your committed usage. Before the contract year is over, your team has run more tests than you expected. In fact, your account has used 1,500 Session Units over your committed usage. Your account shifts into flex usage, allowing your team to continue running unlimited tests, but now at the standard rate.
You have 30 days to make one of the following decisions:
- Continue using the Platform at flex usage rates.
- Purchase add-on usage at a lower rate—let’s say you add on 5,500 Session Units, bringing your purchased testing capacity to 22,000 Session Units.
- Renegotiate your annual contract with early renewal.
If a decision is not made, you can continue using the Platform with flex usage rates and will be billed quarterly, throughout the remainder of your subscription.
Approaching flex and in flex
These are two ways to monitor the total testing capacity on your account, covering both committed usage and flex usage.
Approaching flex
- Informs the admin that their account has utilized over 90% of their committed usage (depending on the remaining time on the subscription) and that they will soon enter flex usage.
- Banners on both the main Dashboard and the Usage and history dashboard will notify the admin, each time they log in when the account is approaching flex.
- This information will also be reflected on the "Usage summary" graph on the Usage and history dashboard (see below), along with the number of Available SUs and Used SUs on their subscription.
Other notes about the approaching-flex phase:
- An account qualifies as approaching flex when the subscription’s testing capacity has reached 90% or more of its committed usage.
- Approaching flex depends on how much time remains in the subscription period. Subscriptions with ample time left in the subscription will be considered as approaching flex versus those with a subscription expiring soon.
- For example, a subscription using 90% of its committed usage at the same time it reaches 85% of the subscription period will be counted as approaching flex. But an account using 90% of its committed usage as it reaches 95% of the subscription period won’t be considered approaching flex.
In flex
In flex informs the admin that their account has reached 100% or more of its committed usage and is currently in flex usage.
- Like approaching flex, banners on both the main Dashboard and the Usage and history tab will notify the admin that their account is in flex each time they log in.
- This information will also be reflected on the Usage summary graph on the Usage and History Dashboard (see below), along with how many Session Units the account has used at flex usage rates.
- Admins can also disable flex usage if they want to restrict team members from launching tests that consume Session Units beyond the committed testing capacity.
- Flex usage can be turned back on at any time.
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