Live Conversation participant no-show

Learn what to do if your participant fails to show up for your scheduled Live conversation.


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About no-shows

  • While UserTesting's "no-show" rate is below industry standards, there may be occasions when a participant cannot attend a Live Conversation as scheduled.
  • UserTesting sends participants an email confirming their time slot, as well as email reminders the day before and the day of the scheduled session.
  • Potential reasons for no-shows include:
    • Unexpected illness
    • Technical difficulties
    • Participant forgot
  • Please give the participant a 5-10 minute grace period at the start of the session to account for any technical difficulties. 
  • If a participant indicates that they're unable to attend the interview, or they don't show up after 10 minutes, UserTesting will flag them as a no-show.
    • The updated status will show up in your test session details, and the session will be canceled and replaced.
    • A new participant will be screened and added to the test.
    • You may be asked to update your availability depending on how much notice UserTesting receives.
  • Note: You will not be charged if your participant is a no-show. 

update availability live conversation usertesting



Best practices

  • Schedule interviews later in the day on Mondays or later in the week to ensure participants are more readily available.
  • Reduce the lead time between scheduling and fieldwork. Schedule sessions the same week you launch the test so it’s top of mind for participants and reduces the chances they’ll forget about signing up for an interview.
  • If working with a small sample size, direct message the recruited participant(s) a few hours before the Live Conversation. Doing so adds a personal touch and also serves as a reminder.



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