UserTesting templates

Learn about the available templates in the UserTesting platform.

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About templates

  • UserTesting templates have been designed by our experts, providing a great place to start building your test.
  • Templates can be used as is or can be edited to better fit your testing needs.
  • Find all available templates in the Template Gallery
  • Templates are available for all users with permission to launch a test on the account.  



Discovery templates

Learn about Discovery templates, or find more in the Template Gallery.



Design validation templates

Learn about Design validation templates, or find more in the Template Gallery.



Navigation/Findability templates

Learn about Navigation/Findability templates, or find more in the Template Gallery.



Competition templates

Learn about Competition templates, or find more in the Template Gallery.



Value and Purpose templates

Learn about Value and Purpose templates, or find more in the Template Gallery.



Niche templates

Learn about our niche, or topic-specific, templates below. Remember, these are just a short list of available templates. For the full list, check out the Template Gallery.




UserTesting has several templates to help you collect feedback on your organization's social presence, including:


Social commerce shopping flow

Understand the customer's experience as they move from a social media post to an e-commerce store.


Social influencer discovery

Uncover which social media influencers your target audience turns to for advice and inspiration, and what makes their content valuable.


Social post engagement

Engage more authentically using feedback from customers to improve your social media posts.


Social story engagement

Engage more authentically using feedback from customers to improve your social media stories and video content.


Remember, this is just a short list of available templates. For the full list, refer to the Template Gallery.



Virtual Reality

With more organizations thinking about the metaverse, UserTesting has several templates to help you collect feedback on virtual reality apps:


VR app concept test

Get reactions to concepts for environments, characters, and other app elements to see if your VR experience meets needs and expectations.


VR app live experience test

  • Observe your target audience using an Oculus VR app in their natural environment.
  • Options include testing your own VR app, a competitor’s, or a best-selling VR app.


VR app needs and expectations

Understand what your target audience wants and expects from your VR app experience.


VR app store listing feedback

Understand if your VR app store listing resonates with your target customers and how to improve it.


Remember, this is just a short list of available templates. For the full list, refer to the Template Gallery.




To help you navigate the challenges of a global health situation, the Template Gallery contains a set of COVID-19 related test templates.

  • COVID-19 templates help you understand how customers are adapting their behavior in your sector so you can innovate your experience and optimize your digital channels.
  • Get feedback on your messaging and content to make sure you're using the right tone and sharing the right information to meet customers' needs and concerns.
  • Learn more about Resources Related to COVID-19.
  • If you have any questions, reach out to your Customer Success Manager.



Racial Equality

In response to organizations asking for help gathering feedback on issues involving race, equality, and inclusion, UserTesting has created a set of Racial Equality templates for Insight Core and Marketing Insight.

  • We’ve taken the most thoughtful questions we’ve seen and created test templates to help everyone collect candid feedback about how expectations, behaviors, and perceptions are changing concerning racial equality.
  • The Insight Core templates are fully customizable and come with screener questions to help you get feedback from a diverse audience.
  • The Marketing Insight Quick Answers are primarily for B2C organizations and are designed to launch quickly with just a few simple inputs.
  • The templates can be used to gather feedback on the following topics:
    • Changes to behavior: How recent events are changing who consumers and business partners choose to support.
    • Changes to expectations: How recent events around racial equality are changing expectations.
    • Perception of your response and action plan: How your response is perceived, and if it resonates with others.
  • For the full list of templates, refer to the Template Gallery.
  • If you have any questions reach out to your Customer Success Manager.


Mobile templates

Learn more about Mobile templates, or find more in the Template Gallery.



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