Moderated recruiting with IntelliZoom

Use these steps to recruit participants for Moderated studies using IntelliZoom

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About Moderated recruiting with IntelliZoom

Let us do the heavy lifting for you! We'll right-fit participants that match your exact target criteria and automatically recruit from our diverse panel of high quality participants. This saves you time to focus on building your study and gets you the results you're looking for more effectively and efficiently.

  • Find the right participants. Easily recruit the right participants for your research by specifying your demographic criteria and adding custom screener questions.
  • Fill studies faster. Define your quota and we’ll automatically send invites to find verified participants for your moderated sessions.
  • Streamline scheduling.
    • Make scheduling UX interviews more efficient by eliminating the hassle of back-and-forth emailing.
    • Set your availability preferences and let participants pick a time that works.
  • Save money.
    • Avoid hiring an expensive recruitment agency that can take weeks to fill your studies.
    • With automated recruiting, you’ll have sessions scheduled with quality participants shortly after launching your study.



Recruit participants using IntelliZoom

  1. Go to the Recruitment section of your study.
  2. In the side menu, click Participants.
  3. In the Let us find participants for you box, click the segment you want to edit.
  4. You can:
    • Name the segment.
    • Choose the number of participants to recruit for the segment.
      • You can increase the quota for participants (max 30) after launching your study.
      • At this time, you are unable to decrease the number of participants after launching your study.
      • Pro Tip: If you don't have to reach your original quota:
        1. Remember to cancel any sessions that have not yet taken place. You will be charged for sessions canceled within 24 hours. Refer to the UserZoom Fair Usage Policy for more information on cancellations. 
        2. Stop the study.
  5. Apply targeting criteria to define the desired audience.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Add your availability to the scheduler.
  8. Launch your study.
  9. Follow these steps to invite collaborators.

Pro Tips

  • We recommend that you add more time slots than the number of sessions you need. When you add only the exact number of sessions that you need for a study, this limits options and flexibility for panelists and may lead to slower fill times.
  • Think about your participant's availability
    • They have a wide range of responsibilities
    • Rember to account for different types of employment and job schedules
    • Keep in mind that participants come from a variety of time zones
    • Often time, participants are often busy in the middle of the workday
  • Don't expect to conduct interviews the same day you launch your study
    • Last minute notice may conflict with the participant's other priorities resulting in empty sessions
    • Be comfortable with the first session taking place over 24 hours after the launch
  • Know what an optimized schedule looks like
    • Spread sessions throughout the day: morning, afternoon, and evening.
    • Spread sessions throughout the week. The best days to schedule are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
    • Offer at least two times the number of sessions needed to meet your quota size with a wide range of day and time options. 
    • Individual time blocks help to improve schedule control.
  • For some best practices, check out the Moderated Automatic Recruiting Scheduling Best Practices - Optimize Your Time in Field job aid linked below. 



Recruiting with IntelliZoom and recruiting your own participants

You can combine the two recruiting methods to fit your needs.

  1. For the IntelliZoom segment, follow the steps above.
  2. To recruit your own participants, follow these steps.



Moderated recruiting with IntelliZoom FAQs

From which countries are participants recruited?

Refer to Automatically recruit participants with UserZoom.


Can I change segment quotas after my study is launched?

You can increase quotas while the study is live. You are unable to decrease segment quotas after launching your study.


Why can't I start an unscheduled segment?

To start an unscheduled session, you must have at least one Recruit your own segment. You'll find study links for Recruit your on segments 


Can I reschedule a session?

You can only cancel sessions at this time.


What do I do if my participant doesn't join?

  • If the participant doesn’t join your moderated study within three minutes, a button appears that allows you to call the participant (See screenshot below). 
  • If you can't reach the participant, and it's a no-show, we'll automatically recruit a new person (as long as you have enough availability in your Scheduler).
  • You are not charged for participant no-shows.
    Call late participant button.png
  • For more details, see Call late participants: Moderated sessions.


Am I able to schedule a second follow-up session with a very helpful participant?

Not at this time. 


If a participant drops out mid-session, what are the options to get this session back on track?

Participants can use the same link to rejoin as long as you haven’t ended the session. There’s currently no option to use the Call the Participant feature in this scenario.


What happens if I miss a session as the Moderator?

If a Moderator doesn't join the session, they are marked as a no-show after 15 minutes. The account is charged for this participant and the panelist is paid for their time. To make sure sessions aren't missed, add the appointment to your calendar using the .ics file included in the reminder email.


When can I cancel a session?

  • You can cancel a session at any time, but keep in mind:
    • If you cancel within 24 of the session start, you are charged.
    • If you cancel outside of 24 hours before the session start, you are not charged.
  • Refer to the UserZoom Fair Usage Policy for more information on cancellations.

Pro Tip

Have all the sessions you need from a segment, but haven't reached the segment quota? Deactivate that segment. This allows you to continue recruiting for other segments that you may still need data from, and stop recruiting for segments you no longer need data from.



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