# # # [ START SCREENER ] # # #
- Male
- Female
- What is your age? [SINGLE RESPONSE]
- Under 18 [TERMINATE]
- 18 to 24
- 25 to 34
- 35 to 44
- 45 to 54
- 55 to 64
- 65 or older
- Prefer not to say [TERMINATE]
- Which of the following best describes the industry in which you work? [SINGLE RESPONSE]
- Customer Service
- Finance
- Accounting
- Administrative and Support Services
- Advertising
- Agriculture/Fishing
- Architecture
- Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation
- Automotive
- Aviation
- Banking/Financial
- Bio-Tech
- Brokerage
- Chemicals/Plastics/Rubber
- Communications/Information
- Computer Hardware
- Computer Reseller (software/hardware)
- Computer Software
- Construction
- Consulting
- Consumer Electronics
- Consumer Packaged Goods
- Education
- Energy/Utilities/Oil and Gas
- Engineering
- Environmental Services
- Fashion/Apparel
- Food/Beverage
- Government/Public Sector
- Healthcare
- Hospitality/Tourism
- Human Resources
- Information Technology/IT
- Insurance
- Internet
- Legal/Law
- Management of Companies and Enterprises
- Manufacturing
- Market Research
- Marketing/Sales
- Media/Entertainment
- Military
- Non Profit/Social services
- Other Services (except Public Administration)
- Personal Services
- Pharmaceuticals
- Printing Publishing
- Professional Services
- Public Administration
- Public Relations
- Real Estate/Property
- Retail/Wholesale trade
- Scientific and Technical Services
- Security
- Shipping/Distribution
- Telecommunications
- Transportation
- User Experience Research
- Other not listed
- I don't work [TERMINATE]
- Which of the following best describes your field of work? [SINGLE RESPONSE]
- Customer Service
- Finance
- HR
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- IT
- Legal
- Marketing
- Operations
- Sales
- Something else
- I don’t work [TERMINATE]
- Which of the following best describes your role at work? [SINGLE RESPONSE]
- Analyst
- Administrator
- Manager
- Director
- CEO/Owner
- Something else
- None of these
- When [PURCHASING/DECIDING ON XXXX] which of the following best describes your role? [SINGLE RESPONSE]
- I make the final decision alone
- I make the final decision in conjunction with others
- I make recommendations and have input on the final decision
- I am consulted on the final decision
- I have no role in the decision
- Which of the following companies’ products do you use at work? [MULTIPLE RESPONSE]
- Adobe
- Infusionsoft
- Insightly
- Microsoft
- Microsoft Dynamics CRM
- Oracle
- RelateIQ
- Sales Cloud
- Salesforce
- None of these
- Approximately how many employees work for your organization worldwide? [SINGLE RESPONSE]
- Less than 50
- 50 to 100
- 101 to 175
- 176 to 250
- 251 to 500
- 501 to 1000
- 1000+
- Not sure
# # # [ END SCREENER ] # # #