Save a Screener to the Screener Library

Use these steps to save a Screener to the Screener Library. 

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👥 User roles: Owner, Admins, and Researchers
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On this page:



About the Screener Library

  • The Screener Library allows you to save Screeners and reuse them in different studies.
  • All questions, qualifying logic, conditions, and Screener groups (if any) are saved.
  • Because each study has a different structure, redirects from the Screener Questions or Screener Groups to specific questions are not saved.
  • Legacy Screeners (Next/Screenout/End Screener) cannot be added to the Screener Library.



Save a Screener to the Screener Library

  1. Go to the Recruitment section of your Study.
  2. Select Screener in the menu on the left.
  3. Configure your Screener.
  4. Click Add to Screeners Library add_to_screeners_library.jpg.
  5. Add a Name for the Screener.
  6. Click Save.



Use a saved Screener

If using a legacy Screener, refer to Update a legacy Screener.

  1. Go to the Recruitment section of your study.
  2. Select Screener in the menu on the left.
  3. Click Screener Library screener_library_button.jpg at the top right.
  4. In the Screeners Library window, choose an Approved Screener or Saved Screener from the list.
  5. Click Use Screener use_screener_button.jpg

If the study already has a Screener:

  1. Review the warning that the current Screener configuration will be removed.
  2. If this is OK, click Yes, Replace Screener.



Edit a saved Screener

If using a legacy Screener, refer to Update a legacy Screener.

  1. Go to the Recruitment section of your study.
  2. Select Screener in the menu on the left.
  3. Click Screener Library screener_library_button.jpg at the top right.
  4. In the Screeners Library window, choose an Approved Screener or Saved Screener from the list.
  5. Click Use Screener use_screener_button.jpg.
  6. Edit the Screener as needed.
    If you do nothing further, changes only apply to this specific study. The saved Screener stays the same.
  7. If you'd like to save the edits to the Screener Library, click Add to Screeners Library add_to_screeners_library.jpg
  8. Add a Name for the Screener.
  9. Click Save
    • Both the old and the new version of the Screener are available in the Screener Library.
    • If you no longer need the old version, you can delete it. Find the steps to delete below.
    • If you edit an Approved Screener, it will need to be approved again. 



Delete a Screener from the Screener Library

Studies using the Screener are not impacted, but you will not be able to use it in any new study.

  1. Go to the Recruitment section of your study.
  2. Select Screener in the menu on the left.
  3. Click Screener Library screener_library_button.jpg at the top right.
  4. In the Screeners Library window, hover over the Screener to delete under Approved Screener or Screeners.
  5. Click Delete delete_screener_trash_can.jpg next to the Screener.
    Remember: Once the Screener is deleted, it can't be recovered.

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