Moderated session: Participant experience

Understand the Participant experience during a Moderated session.

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Before the session (Moderator tasks)

Moderated Session Without Scheduling

  • Moderators set up:
    • Date and time of the session
    • Duration of the meeting
    • Reward details, if applicable
  • Ask participants to review these articles from the Participant Help Center:
  • Remind participants:
    • To close any windows, files, or apps they don't want to be captured during the session.
    • They have to use Chrome'Firefox as their browser (Desktop studies).
    • They may have to download and install:


Moderated Session With Scheduling

  • The Moderator will:
    • Set dates and times when they are available, and sends a link for participants to schedule their session.
    • Wait for participants to select their dates and times for a session.
    • Determine reward details, if applicable
  • Ask participants to review these articles from the Participant Help Center:
  • Remind participants:
    • To close any windows, files, or apps they don't want to be captured during the session.
    • They have to use Chrome/Firefox as their browser.
    • They may have to download and install:



Join the session

Moderated Session Without Scheduling

  1. Participants open the Participant Link in their browser or mobile device.
  2. On the Welcome Page, they are asked to enter their name.
  3. The Legal Consent Request Page asks Participants to give their consent.
  4. A System Check is completed (audio, microphone, camera, network). Moderator can see Participants doing the System Check.
  5. If the System Check is passed, Participants can join the session.
  6. They then move to the waiting room until a moderator lets them in the session.


Moderated Session With Scheduling

  1. Participants open the Participant Link in their browser or mobile device.
  2. They may be asked to take a screener.
  3. Participants open the scheduler and select the time they'd like to participate.
  4. They receive a link to confirm their appointment and complete a system check.
  5. Once confirmed, participants receive an email that includes:
    • A link to join the session.
    • A link to cancel or reschedule the session.
    • An .ics file that allows participants to add the session to their calendar.
  6. On the day of the session, participants receive a reminder email that includes:
    • A link to join the session.
    • A link to cancel or reschedule the session.
    • An .ics file that allows participants to add the session to their calendar.
  7. Participants open the session link in their browser or mobile device.
  8. On the Welcome Page, they are asked to enter their name.
  9. The Legal Consent Request Page asks Participants to give their consent.
  10. A System Check is completed (audio, microphone, camera, network). Moderator can see Participants doing the System Check.
  11. If the System Check is passed, Participants can join the session.
  12. They then move to the waiting room until a Moderator lets them in the session.



During the session

  • Participants are guided by the moderator throughout the session.
  • For studies with Navigation tasks, Participants are prompted to download and install:
    • On Desktop: UserZoom Survey extension
    • On Mobile: UserZoom Live app
  • When the Moderator ends the session, Participants are redirected to the final thank you page.




Can participants chat with the Moderator?

They click the Chat icon moderated_chat_icon.png in the vertical right-hand menu.


Can participants mute or unmute themselves?

 They click the Mute button in the vertical menu on the right at the bottom.


Can participants stop or start their video?

  • Only the moderator can turn the participant's camera off. 
  • Only the participant can turn their camera on.


Can participants share their screen?

When the moderator clicks Request participant's screen, the participant gets a notification to share.

  • To stop sharing their screen, Participants can click Stop Sharing at the bottom of the browser.
  • Moderators can also stop the participant's screen sharing.


Can participants switch to another microphone or camera?

  1. In the vertical menu on the right, they click the Settings icon moderated_settings_icon.png.
  2. From there, they can choose to join by phone instead of using computer audio.


Are participants notified of their upcoming session?

  • Email: Participants are sent 2 email reminders.
    • 1 day before the session
    • 30 minutes before the session
  • SMS:
    • Participants are sent an SMS (text message) 30 minutes before the start of the session.
      • For participants recruited via Intellizoom, the message comes from IntelliZoom.
      • For all other participants, the message comes from UserZoom.
      • The phone number displayed is +12012280935.
    • The language of the SMS is the same as the language of the study and is available in 22 different languages.



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