Rating and following up with your UserTesting Contributors

Use these steps to rate and follow up with UserTesting Contributors.

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About rating and following up with Contributors

  • Rating contributors is an effective way for you to help UserTesting ensure that contributors provide meaningful, actionable insights.
  • With UserTesting, you have access to a large network of contributors who are diverse in demographics (e.g., age, gender, income), experiences, and interests.
  • Providing feedback to contributors who take your test ensures that contributors provide useful insights into the experiences and products you are testing. Let’s review some things you should know.



Rating contributors

  1. Find the contributor from the Sessions view

    or the video player.
  2. Select the appropriate number of stars for the contributor.
  3. If you give a one or two-star rating to a contributor, the following dialog box opens for you to provide a reason for your rating:



Star rating system

  • We provide the option to rate a contributor's performance based on how helpful they were for your test.
  • To provide the best possible feedback, your tests will be distributed to highly rated contributors first. For this reason, we encourage you to rate contributors often. 
  • Rate contributors using our five-star rating system:
    5–Extremely helpful
    4–Very helpful
    3–Somewhat helpful
    2–A little helpful
    1–Not helpful


Five-star ratings are for contributors who:

  • Provide honest and thorough feedback
  • Genuinely attempt to complete all of the tasks while speaking their thoughts aloud


One-star ratings should be reserved for contributors who:

  • Completely fail to provide you with usable feedback
  • If you give a one-star rating, you'll be prompted to select one of these main reasons for the rating:
    • Instructions weren't followed
    • Speech was unclear or feedback was insufficient
    • Demographics or screener requirements were not a match
    • Trouble using UserTesting app or technical issue
    • None of the reasons listed
  • If you select None of the reasons listed, a Description field displays, and you'll be required to describe the reason and offer any optional comments.
  • After giving your rating, you'll be presented with three options to resolve the problem (as seen here):



  • If you replace the contributor or refund the session, you'll no longer have access to the session video or its data.
  • If you have a Viewer or Collaborator status, you cannot refund the sesson.
  • Viewers and Collaborators cannot request a refund.
  • All one and two-star ratings will be reviewed by UserTesting staff and appropriate coaching will be given as needed.


Confidential ratings and comments

  • You have the option to keep your rating, and the description and comments behind the rating confidential.
  • If you don't want test contributors to view your feedback, select this option.
  • If this option isn't selected, your rating and other comments can be seen by the contributor. 



Following up with contributors

If you're a subscription customer, and have a quick follow-up question for your contributor, you can contact the contributor after they complete your test.


To follow up with contributors, follow these steps:

  1. Contact contributors from the Sessions view by clicking on the username to iniate a new message.
  2. You can also begin a conversation from within the video player by selecting the blue, Contact "username" button.



Message center

The Message Center holds all of your communication with contributors who have completed tests for you.


To view messages in the Message center, follow these steps:

  1. On your dashboard, click your iniatials to open the drop-down and select Messages.

  2. Click View Conversation to see message history with that test contributor.
  • Contributors are usually happy to provide additional feedback, but aren't compensated for answering follow-up questions through the Message Center.
  • It's the contributor's discretion as to whether to not to respond.
  • View our article, Messaging a UserTesting Contributor, for more information. 


  • It's a violation of the Customer Terms of Use to solicit outside work from a test contributor. 
  • Customers and contributors should also refraid from sharing contact information with one another, regardless of the reason. 
  • All communication between customers and contributors should be kept within the Message Center.



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