Choose your target audience from the UserTesting Network

Use demographic filters, screeners, and more to ensure you are getting feedback from the right audiences on the UserTesting Network.

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The UserTesting Network is available on the following subscriptions:

Flex plan Seat-based plan
Essentials Startup
Advanced Professional
Ultimate Premium


On this page:




  • Demographic information is collected when each contributor joins the UserTesting Network.
  • By selecting these demographic filters in the test launcher, you can control the distribution of your test.
  • Only users who meet your key demographics can view and accept your test.

Basic features

  • Available to all customers.
  • Demographic categories include age, income, gender, and location. 

Advanced filters

  • Available for customers on Advanced, Professional, Ultimate, and Premium plans.
  • These demographic filters are available for computer, mobile, or app studies.
  • The fields that can be selected for advanced demographics are:
Household income Employment status Industry
Company size Job role Job level
Countries Web expertise Operating system
Social networks Language (defaults to English) Parental status
Test frequency Web browsers (defaults to Chrome) Exclude contributors from prior studies
Other requirements     


  • The Language requirement field is selected to indicate what language the contributors will be instructed to speak.
    Note: By checking the Language filter, the default language is English.
  • Screeners and tasks will need to be written in the selected language.
  • If you want contributors to read the test in one language, but speak in a different language, insert that request in the Other requirements field.
  • Web Browsers field can only be selected when creating a test to be completed on a computer. 

Required demographics for participants when they sign up to take tests:

  • Birth year
  • Country
    Note: Zip code is required for State-specific tests in the United States.
  • Household income
  • Web browsers
  • Web expertise
  • Computer OS



The Other requirements filter

  • The Other requirements field is displayed to participants before they accept your test.
  • This field is best used to inform participants of any special information or requirements regarding your test (e.g., "This test will require you to sign in with your Facebook account.")




  • Screeners are multiple-choice questions that contributors have to answer correctly before they can accept your test.
  • Screeners are attached to each contributor group you select for a test.


You're looking for people living in the United States who are 25–35 years old and who make online purchases using their smartphones.

Approach No. 1: Filters only
Set the basic demographics

  • Age: 25 –35 years old
  • Countries: US
  • Other requirements: "You must have completed an online purchase using your smartphone in the past six months."

Approach No. 2: Filters and screener
1. Set the basic demographics

  • Age: 25–35 years old
  • Countries: US

2. Screener question: "When was the last time you bought something using your smartphone (Android or iPhone)?"

  • Never. I've never purchased anything using my phone. [Reject]
  • About a year ago. I rarely buy things using my phone. [Reject]
  • Maybe 6 months ago. I sometimes buy things using my phone. [Accept]
  • A few weeks ago. I frequently buy things using my phone. [Accept]



Use Specific contributors

  • Reuse specified contributors if you want to do a follow-up test.
  • This is helpful when testing out new iterations based on your previous feedback.

To use specified contributors:

  1. Select Specific contributed under your Contributor network options.
  2. Enter the contributor's username (use commas to separate multiple usernames).




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