Recommended tags for organizing notes and clips

Here are some tags we recommend using in the notes and clips area as you watch your video sessions.

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About tags

  • Tagging notes and clips is one of the best ways to uncover trends within and across videos.
  • In the Notes & clips section of the video player, you can add tags to notes and clips by typing "#tag".
  • You can search for clips to share as a highlight reel and/or organize your notes or clips by tags using the Export to Excel tool.

    notes and clips usertesting


  • Abbreviate tags: While you can write full words for your tags, you can also use shortcuts (e.g., typing "#Q" rather than "#quote").
  • Add multiple tags to the same note or clip: There’s no limit to the number of tags, so you can combine different types of tags if you’d like. For example, #about-us #value for someone who used the About Us page to understand any benefits. You can use multiple separate tags or combine them, such as #newsletter_success.
  • Include special characters: Doing so gives you more flexibility with what and how you tag. For example, #design1:satisfaction or #nav_pdp are ways to capture more detail and incorporate subtags.


By type of observation

  • Adding context to your note or clip will help you find it again in the future.
  • For example, tagging all direct quotes with the word “#quote” will allow you to look back and pull a quote and use it for a presentation.
  • Another example we love to use is "#positive" or "#negative" to assign sentiment to an observation.

Here’s a list of tags that will provide some additional context for your notes and clips:

  • #quote: a direct quote from the contributor
  • #observation: a generally interesting or noteworthy moment
  • #confused: an instance when the test contributor isn’t clear on what to do next or what something means
  • #usability: moments capturing usability issues
  • #positive, #neutral, #negative: sentiments assigned to contributor feedback
  • #bug: a technical or performance issue
  • #video: something that would make a good video that you want to get back to later, and then cut the section that’s relevant, converting it into a clip
  • #success/#fail: a signifier that the test contributor successfully or unsuccessfully completed an activity



By UI element or product/site area

  • Tagging the different sections of your product/site allows you to focus on all of the feedback and observations for a given UI area in one place, across tasks and participants.
  • From there, you can identify patterns and themes to act on to improve the design. 

Here are just a couple of example tags, but this list focuses on the components of your site or app:

  • #homepage
  • #navigation or #nav
  • #megamenu
  • #dropdown
  • #search
  • #filter
  • #carousel
  • #layout
  • #versionA (or just #A)/#versionB (or just #B)



By objective

You can also apply tags related to your study goals, though doing so requires that those goals be clear and readily addressed during multiple tasks.F or example, you could use the following #tags for these research questions:

  1. Can people upload their profile photo? #profile-photo
  2. Can people sign up for the newsletter? #newsletter
  3. What information do contributors need before buying a gift card? #gift-card 

Then, when reviewing all your notes, you can easily group observations by goal to quickly answer a question.



By action or topic

  • Sometimes, you'll want to tag instances when participants do something or something happens during the session so that the tag takes you to the very beginning of the action or activity.
  • For example, during a Live Conversation, you might want to use #screenshare to note when the participant started screen sharing.

Here are some examples of actions you might want to note with a tag:

  • #final-thoughts
  • #screenshare
  • #background
  • #first-impression
  • #screenshare
  • #start
  • #q1 or #task1 (especially helpful when tagging a Live Conversation)



Searching and organizing by tag

You can find tagged notes and clips in two places:

  1. Highlight reel creator: Find related clips to add to a highlight reel by searching for a tag.
  2. Export to Excel: Download all notes and clips for one or more tests into an Excel file. Then, in the Notes and Clips tabs, search or sort by tag. 



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