Surveys with UserTesting

This article will share how to build, recruit participants, and analyze the results of a survey.

This article applies to: ut logo tiny.pngUserTesting 

Surveys are available on the following subscriptions:

Flex plan Seat-based plan
Essentials Startup
Advanced Professional
Ultimate Premium 


On this page:



About surveys

  • Launch high sample size surveys with up to 1,000 participants on the UserTesting platform.
  • There are seven question types for surveys:
    • Multiple choice
    • Rating scale 
    • Matrix
    • Written response
    • Instructions 
    • URL
    • Image
  • Questions can be duplicated, reordered, or deleted. 



Build a survey

  1. Go to Create test, then select Build a survey.
  2. Click + Add to choose your question type.
  3. Select Review to make sure everything looks correct.
  4. Click Preview to see how participants will see the survey.
  5. To launch your survey, navigate to the Review and Launch page via the Navigation bar and select Launch.

Want to see the steps in action? View our short video for an example.



Recruit participants

  1. Select Audience on the Navigation bar.
  2. Click + Add to add a new audience.
  3. Name your audience.
  4. Choose which audience you want to test with:
    • UserTesting Network: You’ll be directed to choose how many participants are needed and to toggle on demographic filters to apply.
    • Invite Network: You’ll choose how many participants are needed and copy the Invite link or send a QR code.
      💡Note: Participants can start a survey by scanning a QR code—giving teams more flexibility when deploying their surveys and reaching their target audience.

      Use the QR code for: 
      • Conferences
      • Checkout lines
      • In-store experiences
      • Product packaging
      • And more!
  1. Optional: Add screener questions to recruit a particular audience. 

💡Note: You can have multiple audiences in a survey, including both UserTesting Network and Invite Network.

💡Note: Currently you cannot add survey participants to a Favorite Contributor Network.


Editing your audience after launch

By pausing the survey the following changes can be made:

  • Edit screeners and all demographics, except the country, post-launch to adjust for mistakes or slow-filling surveys. The audience can be removed if no participants have taken the survey.
  • If the country needs to be edited, create a new audience with the new country and decrease the number of participants in the original audience.
    💡Note: If 10 participants have completed the test, the number can’t be lower than 10.



Sessions page

  • The Sessions Page allows you to dive into the specifics of survey responses in real-time.
  • Once a survey is launched, responses will be displayed for all audiences, allowing you to view the number of responses being submitted for each audience as it happens.
  • This allows you to make sure your test is working as intended, and troubleshoot any issues with specific audiences.

    Remove participants
  • If a participant needs to be removed due to the quality of their response, select the participant on the sessions page and choose remove participant.
  • If the study is still live and has not reached the desired quota, the session will automatically be replaced by a new participant.
  • If the study is not live (paused or has reached the desired quota), the session will be refunded. Should the study be made live again, the session units will be placed on hold, per usual.


Use cases

  • Understanding needs and frustrations
  • Problem space identification and validation
  • Persona building and validation
  • Idea and value prop validation
  • Brand perception
  • Product adoption
  • Competitive analysis, trend spotting
  • Customer journey validation
  • Messaging comprehension
  • Feature prioritization, backlog grooming
  • Geo-targeted surveys
  • Post-launch satisfaction




  • Test creation flow: New study and audience-building flows for Surveys
  • New question types: Instructions (blank task), rating scale, multiple choice, written feedback questions
  • Refreshed dashboard: Includes pinned content, action items and survey cards
  • Participant experience: New modernized experience for Surveys
  • Survey results: Purpose-built analytics for survey questions without audio or video
  • Survey recruitment: Surveys filled using participants from the UT Network and partner networks (up to 1000 participants).
  • Update rate card: Pricing for studies with high-sample sizes



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