Image questions for UserTesting surveys

Learn how to add an image question to a survey.

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Adding an image task

    • The option to add an image to a survey is located in the side menu of the platform.
    • Once chosen you will have the option to include instructions, the image, and alt-text.

Adding an image file

  • When adding an image to the task, select the Upload image button.
  • Next, select the image that will be used for this task. 
  • The file size can not exceed 5MB; the only supported file types are JPEG, PNG, and GIF.


Review and preview

  • The review tab allows you to see the image you have uploaded and any questions associated with the survey.
  • This tab also allows you to preview the participant view as well. 
  • Once the survey is launched, the option to edit is unavailable.


Participant view

Here is an example of the participant web view:

Here is an example of the participant's mobile view:


Visualizing results from an image task


  • Once the survey has been completed, the results will populate.
  • The results will include:
    • The text of the task
    • The number of participants that completed the task.
    • The image shown and the name of the image.





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