Confidentiality terms FAQs

Frequently asked questions about confidentiality terms for participants.

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Note: This information should by no means be seen as legal advice. We strongly advise customers to always consult with their internal compliance team and/or privacy attorney regarding legal matters.



On this page:



What are data privacy laws?

Data privacy laws - like the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) or the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) are regulations that govern the collection, use, and sharing of personal information about individuals. The specific laws that apply to each customer may vary.



What is considered personal information?

Generally speaking, personal information (or personal data) refers to information that identifies, relates to, describes, or could be linked or associated with an individual (or sometimes even a household). 

Some examples of personal information include name, address, employment information, education information, IP address, browsing history, and search history.



What is explicit consent?

In some circumstances, you may be required to collect consent from contributors in order to process their personal information. In order to be valid, consent must be freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous.

This means that it should be:

  • given voluntarily
  • as clear as possible about your particular use - 
  • asked for after presenting a notice that outlines how you intend to use that information
  • given by either a statement or a clear affirmative act—usually this is achieved by presenting an unticked checkbox



What should I consider when including my own consent language for participants?

Whether or not you need consent to collect personal information and what that consent should say depends on a number of factors, including the jurisdictions you are recruiting and operating in, the personal information you intend to collect, how you intend to use that personal information and what your legal basis is for collecting such personal information.


In all cases, we recommend that you consult your own internal legal or compliance team before collecting personal information or consent from contributors.



Does UserTesting provide a Confidentiality terms screen?

Yes; UserTesting provides a default Confidentiality terms screen for participants to review and agree to. Participants do not need to accept this checkbox, but won't be able to continue to the survey if they do not do so. You can edit the language to ensure it meets your specific requirements.



What do participants see?

Participants will see a data privacy statement with a checkbox and an Accept and Continue button.



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