Quick Answer: Test Website Usability

The Test website usability Quick Answer template allows you to test your website's landing pages and navigational elements.

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About Test website usability Quick Answer

  • Quick Answers are tasks and questions written by UserTesting to address the most common customer experience challenges. 
  • Test website usability is one of the Quick Answer templates available on the platform; for some users, this template is named Understand behavior on websites.
  • Discover whether people can easily complete a task on a website and understand the behavior behind your metrics and analytics. 
  • You do not have to test your own website. You can test a competitor's product or any publicly accessible website.
  • This Quick Answer is an ideal option in the "Iterate" design development life cycle phase, allowing you to...
    • Test landing pages to ensure they resonate with customers who understand where to navigate next.
    • Test navigational elements to confirm that customers can find the information they want.
    • Observe how easily people complete a specific task on a website. This will help you understand what drives the participant behavior reflected in your data and analytics.
    • Spot opportunities within your purchase funnel to improve conversion rates.
    • Test competitor websites to improve your own site.



Set up Test website usability Quick Answer

  1. Go to the Test website usability template, located in the Template gallery.
  2. Click Use this template to begin customizing it.
  3. In the space provided, enter a link to the page where you'd like users to begin.
    Note: You don't have to start at the homepage.
    test website usability template usertesting
  4. Next, describe the task you want users to accomplish
    Tip: Start your description with a verb, but don't include exact steps, such as "Click on this button. Then this link. Then go..." Because Quick Answers adds your phrase to an already-written sentence, compose your description like this: "sign up for the newsletter"
  5. Then, name your test so that it's easy to recognize on your dashboard.
  6. Finally, decide how you want to recruit participants.
  7. When you're done, click Next to edit and preview the test plan.
  8. After launching your test, review your results on the Results tab.



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