Cancel a pending test session

Use these steps to cancel a pending test session from your dashboard.


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About pending sessions

  • Before a participant qualifies for and completes your test, your Sessions tab will show pending sessions.
  • If you've requested too many sessions, or your research has changed, you can cancel pending test sessions.
  • If you are on the Flex plan, Session Units (SUs) are reimbursed when pending sessions are canceled.
  • Pending sessions from a previous subscription will not be reimbursed.
  • Only sessions canceled from your current subscription will go back to the account.



Cancel a pending session

  1. Go to the Sessions tab of your test.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the pending session you want to cancel. You can select more than one if needed.
  3. Click the Actions button at the bottom of the screen. 
  4. Select Cancel sessions.
    Tip: Have multiple pending sessions to cancel? Click the Actions button by the Share icon to Cancel all pending sessions
  5. Select your reason for canceling the session.
    Note: If you accidentally delete too many sessions, you can restore contributors to a test by adding them back by username. 



Add more sessions

  1. From the Sessions tab, click Add more sessions.
  2. Add more contributors from your audience groups, and/or add specific contributors by username.



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