Build an App

At a Glance

Getting feedback from users or potential users is key to building an app that meets their needs. Organizations can also save time by getting feedback early in the design and development process, rather than launching an app that isn’t used and immediately needs to be changed.

When building an app, use the UserTesting Platform to collect information during your discovery work, both to get feedback on designs as you are developing them and to conduct ongoing assessments after launch.

When building an app, follow these steps to collect feedback via UserTesting:

  • Conduct discovery interviews to understand the needs the app is intended to meet, and also to understand customer experiences with any current apps, websites, or software that meet a similar need. This University course on discovery interviews includes downloadable scripts to help you plan your interviews.
  • Support your analysis of the competitive landscape by running comparison tests between your current offerings and those of your competitors. The Balanced Comparison feature in the Platform makes it easy to run comparison tests.
  • As your team develops them, get feedback on early design concepts. Conduct comparison tests of multiple design ideas, using the Balanced Comparison feature. Remember, don't wait until the app is being coded; rather get feedback on wireframes or images of the app screens.
  • Once you settle on a final design, collect additional feedback as the prototype evolves.
  • Consider conducting prioritization tests, in which contributors weigh in on what features to prioritize [insert link to KB article on prioritization matrix]. This can be especially important for apps, since what you launch as your minimum viable product (MVP) almost always needs to have features added or redesigned (based on contributor feedback).
  • As you near the end of the development process, run a benchmark study to ensure the design achieves the benchmark metrics that you had defined previously.
  • Once your new app is deployed, analyze the metrics and collect feedback to understand any areas where the metrics are lower than expected. See this course to understand more about how quantitative metrics and qualitative insights fit together.

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