Your EnjoyHQ account comes with a unique email address, meaning you can forward emails from your inbox straight to your account.
Simply go to your Account area > Integrations. Click on the Email icon, which will generate your unique email address. You can forward any relevant emails to this address. It will take a few minutes for your email to load into EnjoyHQ.
Turn your EnjoyHQ into a contact
You can add "EnjoyHQ Feedback" up as a new contact in your email client, as it will make it quicker and easier to forward emails to your account on a regular basis.
Tip: You can add tags to the email by adding hashtags to the subject of the email 👀
Forwarding via Gmail alias
You can set up an alias in Gmail to automatically forward messages to your EnjoyHQ account. This makes it easier for your colleagues to send customer feedback as they don't have to save a new contact. For example, you can add a new Gmail user with email and forward all emails to your EnjoyHQ email address:
With custom email sources you can multiple aliases like this.
Things to do when setting up Gmail alias
When setting up the forwarding for the first time, Gmail will send a confirmation message to your forwarding address. In this case this will create a new document in your EnjoyHQ account. To find it search for "automatically forward email" and click the link in the document to finish the setup.
Once you have confirmed forwarding in the previous step: Make sure to disable "send email notification" preference in email integration settings - otherwise your forwarding will get into a loop and flood your Gmail inbox
Attaching extra information to forwarded emails
Custom email source
You can create custom email source when forwarding emails. By adding a +source-name
suffix to your forwarding address we will create a custom source, separate from email
For if your forwarding email address
all messages forwarded to that address will have default source of "Email".
If you change the email address to
then documents forwarded to this address will be automatically assigned the source:email - business-data
This way you can separate emails being forwarded from different departments or customers and use rules to send feedback automatically to a specific project.
Automatically assigning tags
You can automatically assign tags to forwarded emails by adding them to the email's subject. For example the following subject:
Re: account signup issue #account-issue #signup-form
would automatically tag the feedback with the following tags: "account-issue" and "signup-form". Tags have to be prefixed with the # sign and cannot contain spaces, you can use the dash "-" or "_" (underscore) to separate words in tag names.
Create or associate the email with a customer profile in EnjoyHQ
You can attach your customer's email address in the forwarded message subject - this is especially useful if you have customer profile information in your EnjoyHQ account. You can attach the customer email by adding from:<email address> text to your message subject, for example:
Re: account signup issue #account-issue #signup-form
When EnjoyHQ receives a message, it will automatically detect the email address, and link resulting document with the customer profile with that address.
Note: To ensure email address detection works as expected, please make sure that there's no space between from: and the email address. |
Example message:
and the resulting document:
Custom email addresses in G Suite (Google Apps Gmail)
If you don't want to share a private forwarding address or if you want to make it easier for your colleagues to send feedback you can set up a number of aliases in your own hosted Gmail instance in G Suite (aka Google Apps).
This way forwarding address becomes more memorable and with the custom approach you can create multiple, user-friendly addresses. Let's go through the setup!
Create 2 aliases for sending feedback to EnjoyHQ:
Any email sent to these 2 addresses will be automatically forwarded to EnjoyHQ with a custom source added.
Note: To make the following changes you will need permissions or you can ask your G Suite administrator. It takes only a couple of minutes to set it up! |
Open your email integration page to have the sharing email accessible. Let's assume that your forwarding email is
Go to G Suite Admin interface and open menu:
Select Apps and then Gmail. In next screen scroll to the bottom and select Advanced Settings:
In advanced settings scroll all the way to section. Find Recipient Address Map setting and press Configure:
Now you can create your aliases. In this exercise you have to give the following input:,,
When done with adding aliases add a description ("Forward feedback to EnjoyHQ") and press SAVE. Then hit SAVE again, on the bottom of the screen:
That's it! Your colleagues can now start sending/forwarding emails to and and EnjoyHQ will apply correct sources to them. #tags in subject lines are also supported as well as image attachments.
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