Import spreadsheets

Learn about importing spreadsheets into EnjoyHQ.

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About importing spreadsheets

  • You can import spreadsheets for survey results or collections of feedback, where the first row of the sheet represents questions or data about the answers and each following rows are customer responses or other data. 
  • EnjoyHQ will try to parse your spreadsheet, but formulas and functions won't be processed. Dynamically processing formulas/functions of spreadsheets could introduce security concerns.


Formatting considerations

  • EnjoyHQ can only import the first worksheet/tab of a spreadsheet file (For example, Excel, Google Sheets).
  • If you need to import any other sheet, you'll have to export it to a separate file first.
  • The importer assumes that the first row of a spreadsheet is the header row, followed by rows containing the data you want to import.


Example structure

Feedback Email Tags Company Size Role Rating
Very well Suggestion 2 PM 10
Not so great Bug 10 Designer 2


Recommended column mappings for example data:

  • Feedback (Content)
  • Email (Customer - Email)
  • Tags (Tags)
  • Company Size (Customer Property - Text)
  • Role (Customer Property - Text)
  • Rating (Document Property - Text)

If the example spreadsheet was imported with the mappings above, this would result in 2 Documents being created with the content of all columns, and Email mapped to Customer Profiles, Company Size and Role to Customer Properties, Tags to Tags, and Rating to a Property.



Import spreadsheets

1. First, select a spreadsheet.

  • Upload spreadsheets inside or outside a Project.
  • EnjoyHQ accepts the following formats:
    • .csv
    • .xls
    • .xlsx
  • We recommend saving spreadsheets as .csv files before importing to minimize any potential compatibility issues.


2. Next, select and map the columns to import. 

  • Here you'll select which columns to import.
  • At least one column has to be mapped as Content.
  • If you're planning to import Customer Properties, a column mapped as Email also has to be selected.

Column mapping types

You will be asked to map each column of your spreadsheet. These are the options:

  • Documents
    • Content: The content of each cell in that column will be imported and visible in a Document in EnjoyHQ.

    • Sentiment / NPS Score: 

      • The score will become the new sentiment of the Document.

      • Use this mapping only if you have a column of Net Promoter Scores ranging from 1-10.
      • If used, this will also automatically determine the Sentiment of each imported Document.
      • Can only be used once in a spreadsheet import.
    • Created At:

      • This value becomes the Document's date in EnjoyHQ to represents when the feedback was provided.

      • Can only be used once in a spreadsheet import.
    • Tags:

      • Will turn this values into tags for the content imported.

      • If tags are separated by commas it will turn them into separate tags, otherwise, the whole value will be used.

      • Can be used multiple times in a spreadsheet import.
    • Property:

      • Any values mapped as properties will also be visible in the Document Information panel.

      • Good candidates are content with a fixed set of answers or responses.

      • If utilizing existing Properties, ensure the column header matches the Property's name or this may create duplicate Properties.

      • Can be used multiple times in a spreadsheet import.
  • Customers
    • Email:

      • Creates a Customer Profile and associates it with the imported content.

      • Can only be used once in a spreadsheet import.
    • Name: Populates the Name field for Customer Profiles.
    • Company Name: This will populate the Company Name for Customer Profiles.
    • Customer Properties:

      • This allows you to import columns as Customer Properties for associated Customer Profiles.

      • Can be used multiple times in a spreadsheet import.


3.  Then, preview and confirm your mappings

  • Once you select your columns and their mappings, select the Validate option. EnjoyHQ will then check your mappings against the content of the spreadsheet and let you know about any potential issues with the formatting of your data.
  • You will also be able to preview your content before importing your spreadsheet.
  • Sentiment / NPS Score:
    • Use this mapping only if you have a column of Net Promoter Scores ranging from 1-10.
    • If used, this will also automatically determine the Sentiment of each imported Document.
  • Created At, Sentiment, and Email mappings can only be used once in a spreadsheet import.
  • Content, Properties, and Tags can be used multiple times.


4. Finally, preview and confirm.

  • The preview step shows how the mapped data will look after importing - including Document content and Customer Profiles (if selected).
  • Customer Profiles are not imported if a spreadsheet row is missing a valid Email field.
  • You can use batch actions to add all imported Documents to Projects or classify them with Tags.
  • Once the configuration is complete, click Import Spreadsheet to finish the process.
  • EnjoyHQ splits each row of your spreadsheet and transforms it into individual Documents according to your mappings.



Importing spreadsheets FAQs

How is the spreadsheet data represented?

  • All columns mapped as Content become a part of the Document's body content.
  • If any of the columns are mapped as Document Properties, the import process imports this data as Properties attached to the Document and inserts the text data into the Document's body content.
  • All Documents created from an imported spreadsheet can be edited or enriched with additional content.
  • Here's an example of how spreadsheet data is represented in EnjoyHQ:


What does "invalid values" mean?

  • When mapping columns, EnjoyHQ validates that the data will map correctly before importing.
  • If the process detects that something is not right, recommendations are provided to address any identified issues. For example:

  • If an invalid value is detected, this is usually the result of empty cells.
  • If importing a spreadsheet with invalid values, EnjoyHQ will use fallbacks in the resulting Document depending on the type of mapping.
    • Content:

      • If a cell with empty content is found, EnjoyHQ skips that cell.

      • If all cells in a row are empty, that row is skipped completely and a Document is not created for this row.

    • Email: If a cell with an invalid email address is found, EnjoyHQ does not set the Customer Profile in the resulting Document.

    • Created At: If a cell with an invalid creation date is found, EnjoyHQ uses the import time as the creation date of a given Document.

    • Sentiment / NPS Score: If a cell with an invalid score is found, EnjoyHQ sets the Document's Sentiment as Neutral.

    • Tags: If a cell with invalid Tags is found, EnjoyHQ does not set any Tags in the resulting Document.

    • Properties: If a cell with invalid Properties Values is found, EnjoyHQ does not add those Property Values to the resulting Document or Customer Profile.


Can I import a spreadsheet containing only customer data to populate Customer Profiles?

Yes! You can import only Customer Profiles and Customer Properties from a spreadsheet. Learn more about importing customer data from spreadsheets.


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