Create video and audio clips

Use these steps to create media clips in the EnjoyHQ platform.

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About creating video and audio clips

  • You can extract clips of any video or audio file manually uploaded into your EnjoyHQ workspace.
  • Once created, a clip is attached to the corresponding highlight and can be searched for, embedded in a story, or shared with anybody in your team.
  • Note: This feature is only available for videos that have been uploaded manually.

create video and audio clips enjoyhq.gif



Create clips

To create a clip, follow these steps:

  1. Select the desired highlighted text in the video's transcript.
  2. Choose Create a clip.
    create a clip enjoyhq.png
  3. Alternatively, attach a clip to an existing highlight.
    attach a clip enjoyhq.png
  4. The clip is now playable in the document.
    play clip enjoyhq.gif



Clip editor

  • The clip editor allows you to adjust the start time and duration of your clip, as well as attach an optional clip title and description.
  • Create clips that are not tied to the transcript's content.
    • For example, it is possible to edit the transcript, add your own note like, "This is where search fails," and create a clip for a completely silent part of the video.

clip editor enjoyhq.png


To use the clip editor, follow these steps: 

  1. Adjust the start and end time controls to edit the duration 1 second at a time.
  2. Match the clip's start/end settings to match the highlighted content.
  3. Add an optional title and description to the clip.


  • Currently, the editor will approximate the start and end time of the clip.
  • The editor does not read any timing information from the transcript.


Work with clips

  • Since clips are attached to highlights, you can tag them, leave comments, and embed them in your stories or project summaries like regular highlights.
    editing clips enjoyhq.gif
  • Quickly find highlights with clips attached using the search shortcut.
    search shortcut for clips enjoyhq.gif
  • Combine the filter with any other search criteria such as tags, highlight content, and more.



Video and audio clips FAQ

Can I export clip files?

Not at the moment, but we're planning to add that feature in the future.


Can I share a clip?

Yes, clips are attached to highlights and are shared with them.


Can I combine several clips into one video?

Not at the moment, but we'd love to hear from you about this feature. Please get in touch with our Support team.


Can I adjust clip time by milliseconds?

Unfortunately, due to limitations of how web browser's video playback works, we can only support seconds.


Can I customize the clip or video thumbnail?

That feature is coming soon!



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