Card Sort results as Data Tables

Use these steps to find and understand results for Card Sort Tasks as Data Tables.

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Find results for Card Sort Tasks as Data Tables

  1. Go to the Results section of your study.
  2. Select Ratios & Responses ratios_and_responses_button.jpg in the left menu.
  3. Scroll to the Card Sort Task and select Results.
  4. In the Results box, click Data data_card_sort_results.jpg.



Closed Card Sort task data

Understand the available tabs in Closed Card sort data and what can be found on each.

  • Participants
    • The median time of completion among participants.
    • How long it took each individual participant to complete this task.
  • Responses: The cards each participant placed in each category
  • Cards (For each card)
    • The number of categories each card was placed.
    • Categories each card was placed
    • How many times the card was placed in the category
  • Categories (For each category)
    • How many cards were placed in each category.
    • Which cards were placed into each category.
    • How many times each card was placed in the category.
  • Results Grid
    • Count: How many times each card was placed in a category.*
    • Percentage (%): The percentage of participants who placed each card in each category.*
    • You can switch between Count%, or Both
      1. Click Configure.
      2. Choose one of the options.

*The darker the blue, the more participants placed a card in this category.



Open Card Sort Task data

Understand the available tabs in Open Card sort data and what can be found on each.

  • Participants
    • The median time of completion among participants.
    • The number of categories created.
    • The percentage of categories the participant gave a name.
    • How long it took each participant to complete the task.
  • Responses
    • How each participant grouped the cards.
    • How each participant named the categories.
  • Cards (For each card)
    • The number of categories each card was placed.
    • The names of the categories each card was placed.
    • The frequency each card was placed in a category
  • Categories (For each category)
    • How many cards were placed in each category.
    • Which cards were placed in each category.
    • How many times each card was placed in the category.
    • How many participants created the category.
    • The agreement between participants (for standardized categories only).
      • On the far right, there is also the Edit column that is empty for regular categories but displays an Edit Field icon for standardized categories.
      • Click the icon to edit the corresponding standardized category.
  • Results Grid
    • How many times it appears in each standardized category.
    • How many times it appears in unstandardized categories.
    • The only column that is always there is the "Not standardized" column.
      • Without standardization, all the cards only appear in unstandardized categories under this column.
      • As soon as categories are standardized, they appear as columns on this tab.
  • Similarity Grid (For any two cards)
    • Count: The number of times these cards were placed together.*
    • Percentage (%): The percentage of how often these cards were placed together.*
    • You can switch between Count%, or Both
      1. Click Configure.
      2. Choose one of the options.

*The darker the blue, the more participants placed a card in this category.


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