Filter Results

Use these steps to filter Results.

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About Results filters

  • After data is collected by your study, use filters to assist in your analysis.
  • Find the Filter section in the top right of Results.
  • Available filters include:
    • Completes Only (applied by default): This shows only the participants who finished the study. 
    • All Participants: This shows all participants who started the study, even if they didn't complete it.
    • Testers: This shows all data collected through the Test study function.
  • When creating a new filter, you can filter by:
    • Participant segment
    • Screener Groups
    • IntelliZoom criteria
    • Participant ID (This allows you to show only specific participants)
    • Effectiveness (Available for Navigation Tasks, Click Tests, and Tree Tests)
    • Responses to questions
    • Technology (operating system, browser, screen resolution, or browser resolution)
  • Filters are applied at the user level. Only you see the changes you've made to the data.



Create a filter

  1. Go to the Results section of your study.
  2. Click the arrow in the Filters box at the top right to view all options.
  3. In the drop-down list, choose + Create new filter (or Manage filters if you've already created other filters).
  4. Select + New Filter new_filter_button.jpg at the top left of the new window.
  5. Click the Pencil icon filter_name_field.jpg next to the New Filter name to give it a custom name.
  6. Choose the filter criteria:
    • All participants
    • Completes only
    • Testers
  7. If needed, under AND, click the Select category drop-down filter_select_category_drop_down.jpg, and choose one of the following:
    • Participant segment
    • IntelliZoom Criteria
    • Screener
    • Participant IDs
    • Initial Questionnaire (when applicable)
    • Task
    • Final Questionnaire (when applicable)
    • Technology
  8. If needed, click + OR Condition filter_or_condition.jpg to add one of the above options as an OR condition.
  9. If needed, click + New Condition filter_add_new_condition.jpg to add another condition and follow steps 7 and 8.
  10. Click Save & Apply filter_save_and_apply_button.jpg at the bottom left of the window.



Edit a filter

  1. Go to the Results section of your study.
  2. Click the arrow in the Filters box at the top right to view all options.
  3. In the drop-down list, choose Manage filters.
  4. Choose the filter from the list under Saved filters.
  5. Change conditions as needed.
  6. Click Save & Apply filter_save_and_apply_button.jpg at the bottom left of the window.



Filter without using the Filter section

  1. Click the results you'd like to filter.
  2. From the drop-down that appears select:
    • Show these participants only
    • Hide these participants only 
  3. The condition is automatically added to the filter.



Apply an existing filter

  1. Go to the Results section of your study.
  2. Click the arrow in the Filters box at the top right to view all options.
  3. Choose the filter you'd like to apply from the list:
    • All participants
    • Completes only
    • Testers
    • Your custom filter



Delete a filter or condition

Delete a filter

  1. Go to the Results section of your study.
  2. Click the arrow in the Filters box at the top right to view all options.
  3. In the drop-down list, choose Manage filters.
  4. Under save filters, find the filter you'd like to delete.
  5. Click the Trash Can filter_delete_trash_can_icon.jpg next to the filter. 
  6. In the Delete filter window, click Delete.
  7. Click Save & Apply filter_save_and_apply_button.jpg at the bottom left of the window.


Delete a condition 

  1. Go to the Results section of your study.
  2. Click the arrow in the Filters box at the top right to view all options.
  3. In the drop-down list, choose Manage filters.
  4. Under save filters, select the filter with the condition you'd like to delete.
  5. Find the condition in the filter.
  6. Click the Trash Can filter_delete_trash_can_icon.jpg next to the condition.
  7. Click Save & Apply filter_save_and_apply_button.jpg at the bottom left of the window.



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