Confidence Intervals in Results

Use these steps to understand and configure Confidence Intervals in Results.

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About Confidence Intervals and how are they useful

  • Getting feedback from everyone would be great, but it's just not possible.
    • We can instead get feedback from a sample that we assume represents the entire population.
    • The problem with taking samples is:
      • Our sample mean may be similar to the population mean.
      • However, we might collect a sample and the mean is actually much different from the population mean.
  • By calculating the confidence intervals around any data we collect:
    • The lower limit and upper limit around our sample mean tells us the range of values our true population mean is likely to lie within.
    • Confidence intervals give us richer data.
  • The range of these confidence intervals adjusts based on the sample size of your study. For more information on Sample Size, check out Recruit your participants in the University. 



Confidence Intervals in UserZoom

  • UserZoom Results offer automated confidence intervals (using the Adjusted Wald Method) for tasks where participants can be successful or not:
    • Navigation Tasks
    • Click Tests
  • You can choose intervals (80%, 90%, or 95%) or turn them off.



Configure confidence intervals in Results

  1. Go to the Results section of your study.
  2. For the task in question, scroll to the Results section and choose the Chart option.
  3. Click Customize to see more options.
  4. For Confidence Interval choose between:
    • Off (default)
    • 80%
    • 90%
    • 95%


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