Saved audiences

Use these steps to save audience criteria to reuse for a future test. 


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About saved audiences

Saved audiences are available on the following subscriptions:

Flex plan Seat-based plan
Essentials  Startup
Advanced Professional
Ultimate Premium
This feature is also available in the Starter edition (beta).


  • Saved audiences allow you to save and share audience criteria to reuse for future tests.
  • Saved audiences are available through the Build audience option. It is not available for Invite Network (the Create link option)
  • Use saved audiences with Quick Answers tests. You can only use one saved audience with Quick Answers.
  • Use saved audiences with Live Conversation interviews.
  • Saved audiences help you...
    • Quickly access previously defined criteria
    • Avoid costly mistakes by ensuring the best standards are followed
    • Enable anyone to accurately and rapidly recruit a target audience
  • Available for unmoderated and moderated studies. Not currently available for surveys.

Watch a short video to learn more about saved audiences.



Create a saved audience

  1. From the UserTesting dashboard, select the Create test button, then Create a test.
  2. Pick what you want to test, then choose Build audience.
  3. Click Select audience.
  4. Select the demographic filters and screener questions for your target audience.
  5. Click Save as template.
  6. Enter a title and brief description.
    Note: If you are on the Premium or Ultimate plan, you may designate the audience template's access settings at the personal, workspace, or account-level. Learn about template access control.



Use a saved audience in a test

Once you save an audience, anyone who can create tests in your account can select the saved audience template for their test.


To use a saved audience in a test, follow these steps:

  1. Create a test from scratch, or copy an existing test.
  2. Click Select audience.
  3. Select one or more saved audiences.
  4. Edit the saved audience as needed. Note: This will not update the template.



Manage saved audiences

Anyone who can create a test on the account can edit and delete saved audiences.


To make changes to a saved audience, follow these steps:

  1. From the UserTesting dashboard, choose Manage templates on the left panel.
  2. Go to the Audiences tab.
  3. Click the options (...) menu of a saved audience.
  4. From here, you can edit the template, assign it to workspaces, edit who has access, or delete it.



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