Learn about the available demographic filters in the UserTesting platform. |
This article applies to: UserTesting
On this page:
- The Age filter allows you to test with contributors of certain ages.
- Age range is set by default to 18 - 65+.
- Age is based on the birth year the contributor enters when they sign up and is automatically updated based on the current date.
- Use the sliders to adjust the age range you need.
- For a specific required age range, use a screener question to filter out ages you do not need.
- To conduct tests with minors (US: 13 - 17 years of age; UK and Canada: 16 - 17), contact your customer success manager or account rep for more information.
Company Size
- Company size allows you to filter out contributors who are part of small, medium, or large organizations.
- If you'd like to test with multiple groups, but not all of them, check the specific options you need.
- The Countries filter is set to All by default but can be customized based on your needs.
- To target contributors from a specific country or countries, check each of the boxes.
- The top seven countries with the largest pools of contributors are listed at the top and include:
- United States - This filter can also be broken down by individual states.
- United Kingdom
- Germany
- France
- Canada
- Australia
- India
- Select Rest of the world to to test with contributors from countries not listed above.
- The Additional country filters option is available to customers on Advanced, Ultimate, Professional, and Premium subscriptions.
Employment Status
- Employment status filters allow you to test with contributors of a certain employment status.
- All statuses is the default.
- To filter out certain statuses, check the box next to the status(es) you'd like to take your test.
Exclude contributors from prior tests
- The Exclude contributors from prior tests filter allows you to exclude contributors who took a specific test.
- When you choose this filter, the ten most recent tests launched by you or anyone working in your account are listed.
- Check one or more test names to exclude people who participated in these past tests.
- Learn more about Test Filters.
- Pro Tip: Choosing the Exclude contributors from prior tests filter overrides the default Fresh Eyes feature.
- This Filters section contains all the options listed in this article.
- Filters allow you to set the criteria for selecting test contributors.
- By selecting these filters, you control the distribution of your test.
- Only users who meet your requirements view and accept your test.
- Information is collected from each contributor when they join the UserTesting Contributor Network. Network contributors are prompted to update their profiles every six months.
- In addition to filters, you can use a screener question to add greater specificity.
- The Gender filter lets you choose male, female, or non-binary contributors.
- Do not use this filter if you want contributors from all genders.
- As with Age, use a screener question here to get more specific.
- For now, testing with as few filters and screeners as possible can maximize your ability to reach non-binary contributors.
Household Income
- The Household income filter allows you to choose the financial demographics of your contributors.
- Use the sliders to set the household income range for the contributors you want to target for your test.
- The lower and upper boundaries can be increased or decreased by increments of $20K up to $100K USD (then by increments of $25K up to $150K+ USD).
- The Industry filter allows you to choose contributors who work in a specific industry.
- Choose one or multiple options to get those contributor profiles for your test.
Job level
- Use the Job level filter to recruit contributors based on where they fit on their company's hierarchy.
- Choose one or multiple options to get those contributor profiles for your test.
Job role
- The Job role filter lets you find participants in specific roles within their company.
- Choose one or multiple options to get those contributor profiles for your test.
- This filter is often used along with the Industry or Job level filters.
Language requirement
- Use the Language requirement filter to choose contributors who speak a specific language.
- Select this filter only if you are writing the tasks and questions in one of the other language options listed (Spanish, French, or German), and you want contributors who have confirmed they can read and speak aloud in that language.
- If you'd like contributors to read the test in one language but speak in a different language, add it as an Other requirement.
- Learn more about Testing in non-English languages.
Operating system
- Use the Operating system filter to select which desktop or mobile operating system your contributor primarily uses.
- For Desktop tests, choose Mac or Windows.
- For Mobile tests, choose Android or iOS.
Other requirements
- Other requirements is an open-ended field that lets you explain information about your test. For example, this test will take longer than 20 minutes to complete or you will be asked to take multiple tests.
- You can also use this field to alert contributors of specific requirements to take the test. For example, this test requires you to be able to speak and read German.
Parental status
- Use the Parental status filter to include contributors who do or do not have children.
- Children are identified as minors (under 18 years of age) and living at home with their parents.
- Contributors who indicate that they have children can choose to provide information about each child (for example, gender or age).
- UserTesting checks each month and automatically removes teens who have turned 18 from their parent's profile.
Social networks
- Use the Social networks filter to target contributors who use specific social media platforms.
- Select one or all options to better find contributors for your test.
Test frequency
- Test frequency allows you to filter out contributors based on when they took their last test.
- Use the up and down arrows to define the number of days before a contributor can take another one of your tests.
- Learn more about Fresh Eyes.
Web browsers
- The Web browsers filter allows you to limit contributors who take your test based on which browser they are using.
- Chrome is set as the default browser, but can be deselected.
- Enhanced metrics are only available for contributors using Chrome.
- Learn more about the System requirements to take a UserTesting test.
Web expertise
- Web expertise refers to the level of skill required of a contributor to take your test.
- Contributors self-define this criteria when they set up their profiles.
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