Test a prototype, website, or app

Decide whether to test a prototype, website, or app on the UserTesting platform with your testing goals in mind.


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Test a prototype

test a prototype usertesting
Choose the prototype option when...

  • You have a sketch, wireframe, or semi-functional prototype.
  • You want participants to provide feedback on the design (the labeling, organization, and navigation) by describing what they expect to see or happen.
  • You wish to use secure prototype hosting by uploading a .zip file of your prototype.


What to know about testing a prototype

  • The prototype test option notifies participants that the design is semi-functional, that they may run into problems, and that they are to comment on what they expect to see when navigating the site or app.
  • If using a prototype tool (e.g., Figma or Axure), you'll upload the HTML CSS and other assets when building the test plan. Note: This feature is not available on all accounts.


Resources for testing a prototype



Test a website

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Choose the website option when...

  • You want a flexible option that applies to the broadest range of testing scenarios.
  • You have a design that's more fleshed out and functional than a non- or semi-functional prototype.
  • You want to test banner ads, email subject lines, or any kind of imagery or text.
  • You want to conduct certain types of tests, such as:


Resources for testing a website



Test an app

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Choose the app option when...

  • You have an existing app in the Apple Store or in Google Play.
  • You have a link to TestFlight.


Resources for testing an app



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