Live study FAQs

Review frequently asked questions about live studies. The number of studies that can be live at the same time in your account depends on your contract. 


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Plan Availability: Corporate, Essentials, Professional, International, and Premium
👥 User roles: Owner, Admins, and Researchers
For more information, see our article on how to find your plan and user role.


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How many studies can I run at the same time?

  • Live studies for each recruiting type are defined at the account level (not the team level) and are based on your account's configuration. Your account has separate quotas for these live study types:
    • Unmoderated Recruit Your Own
    • Unmoderated IntelliZoom
    • Moderated Recruit Your Own
    • Moderated IntelliZoom
  • On the Studies Dashboard, click the Information icon next to the number of live studies. A tooltip appears explaining the number of studies currently live (concurrent) and how many you can have live for your account.
  • Contact your account team to discuss an upgrade to live studies.



What classifies as a live study?

  • For a study to count as live, it has to be launched and have at least one segment active.
  • If a study has both Recruit Your Own and IntelliZoom segments live, the study will take up one live study of each type.
  • Having multiple segments of the same type (Source Your Own or IntelliZoom) in the same study still takes one live study of the corresponding type.



How can I increase the number of live studies?

If you reach the limit for simultaneous studies and you would like to increase the limit, reach out to your Account Manager. Otherwise, you'll have to wait for a study of the corresponding type to go offline before launching a new one.



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