Charts & Tables in Results

Use these steps to view Results in Charts and Tables.

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About Charts and Tables in Results


  • Charts show results in an easy to understand visual representation.
  • Settings can be customized to show data in percentages and/or actual values.
  • Charts round percentages to the nearest whole number.
    • Sometimes it may come out as 99% or 101% when the true number is 100%.
    • The system rounds these numbers to make them easier on the eye.



  • Tables are an essential way of presenting data.
  • Results can be shown in a numeric form, or as a list of participant comments (open-ended questions).
  • The information included in tables varies depending on the question type.



Access a Chart

  1. Go to the Results section of our study.
  2. Select Ratios & Responses ratios_and_responses_button.jpg in the left menu.
  3. Scroll to the task or questionnaire.
  4. Click Chart chart_in_results.jpg to view data in an easy to read chart.



Download or save a Chart

  1. Go to the Results section of our study.
  2. Select Ratios & Responses ratios_and_responses_button.jpg in the left menu.
  3. Scroll to the task or questionnaire.
  4. Click Export export_dendrogram.jpg.
  5. To begin the download, choose the file type:
    • JPEG
    • PNG
    • PDF



Customize Chart appearance

  1. Go to the Results section of our study.
  2. Select Ratios & Responses ratios_and_responses_button.jpg in the left menu.
  3. Scroll to the task or questionnaire.
  4. Click Customize customize_button.jpg to reveal the following options:
    • Chart
      • Bar
      • Stacked Bar (if applicable)
      • Column
      • Stacked Column (if applicable)
      • Pie (if applicable)
    • Order (if applicable)
      • Default
      • Descending (answer with the highest percentage first)
      • Ascending (answer with the lowest percentage first)
    • Values 
      • Count
      • % (Percentage)
      • Both
    • Grid
      •  Grid
      • Line
      • None
    • Confidence Level (if applicable)
      • Off
      • 80%
      • 90%
      • 95%



Access a Table

  1. Go to the Results section of our study.
  2. Select Ratios & Responses ratios_and_responses_button.jpg in the left menu.
  3. Scroll to the task or questionnaire.
  4. Click Data data_in_results.jpg to view the table.



Copy a Table

  1. Go to the Results section of our study.
  2. Select Ratios & Responses ratios_and_responses_button.jpg in the left menu.
  3. Scroll to the task or questionnaire.
  4. Click Data data_in_results.jpg to view the table.
  5. Click Copy sheet copy_sheet.jpg



Sort Table data

  1. Go to the Results section of our study.
  2. Select Ratios & Responses ratios_and_responses_button.jpg in the left menu.
  3. Scroll to the task or questionnaire.
  4. Click Data data_in_results.jpg to view the table.
  5. Click the Arrows next to the column heading arrows_next_to_the_column_heading.jpg to sort by descending or ascending order.



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